Mr. Houseful’s alarm is blaring. The twizzlers are awake and crying. The ladybug is trying to get me to get her some juice, and the cellist isn’t awake for school.
Welcome to one of my days. I’m learning slowly but surely, that no matter what I do, these things most likely won’t change anytime soon, and I’m NEVER going to get enough sleep, so why not change the way that I handle things?
Way easier said than done. Way.
That’s why I think that I’ve been feeling like I have been getting my toes stepped on ever since starting to read Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Mom’s. It’s definitely hit on some key points in keeping my cool around this house, and around the houseful in general. Including but not limited to, realizing that I am indeed not supermom (and there’s no shame in that)
In the first new Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff book in nine years, Kristine Carlson shows how moms can live with less stress and more happiness. Kristine Carlson gives mothers tried-and-true advice that will empower them to find greater peace, joy, and harmony within themselves and their homes. Don’tSweat the Small Stuff for Moms reveals how to: be a mom (not a friend), balance being a woman and a mom, pursue your passion (but not at the expense of your children, and reclaim your family time.
Currently, my favorite chapter is (and it changes frequently with the more that I read – and I’m reading out of order) is Chapter 19 First. Not Last. On My List, because it speaks to something that I have been struggling with since adding the triad (ladybug and the twizzlers) to the houseful.
I think that Mr. Houseful suffers a lot in the “hook-up” area of our relationship. I mean, there’s not a total lack of intimacy, but it’s not as forthcoming as it was when we first started. And since we all know that we had the cellist before we got married, I’ll even put it out there that it is DEFINITELY not as often as when were in college. The meaning behind it is better, but I’m always busy, and he works mad crazy hours, and one child has to go here, the other has to go there, and before you know it, I’ve fallen asleep on the couch while blogging and he has fallen asleep in our bedroom while watching one of his favorite shows on Netflix.
Something has to give.
This chapter reiterates something that Mor Mor (my mommy) told me a while back. Your husband has to be your first priority, because when the kids are all grown up, all you have is him.
I love my children, I think that you all know that. However, my love of Mr. Houseful came first, and I NEED him to know that without a shadow of a doubt. And let’s face it, when the loving is right everything else has a way of falling into place.
Do I have your attention? If so, you can always read a Free 1st Chapter!
It’s quick – no chapter is longer than four or five pages – and the wisdom that is shared just might be what you need to read in order to realize that you are indeed mom enough for the task at hand.
You can connect with other Don’t Sweat Moms via:
and you can follow the conversation via twitter at the hashtag #DontSweatMoms
Now, for some even better news. I have been provided with one additional copy to give away to one of my lucky readers.
Just let me know why you think being a Don’t Sweat Mom Is Important, and that ONE thing that you continue to sweat over and I’ll pick a winner!
This is open to everyone and this contest will close on Monday June 4 at midnight.
Good luck, and this is the ONE instance where I’ll tell you, Don’t Sweat!
Disclosure: I was provided with a copy of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms to provide a review and encourage other moms to not sweat the small stuff. All opinions are my own.
Being a Don’t Sweat Mom is important because as long as the kids and hubby are happy and I have some amount of sanity remaining, at the end of the day the other stuff doesn’t really matter. So what my house isn’t the cleanest or I don’t always have dinner on the table at a “decent” time; everyone’s happy. Sue me. I could use a cleaning fairy to come clean my house so if you want to give that away too go for it because I do continue to sweat over this never ending task. lol