Here in Chicago, it’s the last week before school, and you can feel the heaviness in the air as children citywide bemoan the early wake-ups and homework filled weeks. However, my little ones are all excited. They are looking forward to learning more about the weather, more bugs, and anything else they deem interesting. I’m just trying to make sure that my babies will be fully clothed for our field trips, and that I won’t commit the cardinal sin of not making sure that they sign off of clothing BEFORE I purchase it. One of these days I’ll tell you about #overallgate from a couple of years ago. Good thing OshKosh B’gosh has SO many styles, because I couldn’t take another scandal with Lil’ Miss.
Believe it or not, they even enjoy getting dressed for the day. I’m talking full garb, and shoes. Shoes WITH socks people! They put it all on. And then of course we get to the second week, and we go back to homeschooling in undies and socks. Reality hits hard around these parts.
If you’re anything like I am, you are focused on trying to get a great bang for your buck and I truly believe that OshKosh B’gosh provides that. Given that you can combine all of their coupon codes (like the OKBG3136 for 25% off your oder) to your online orders, and that discount can be combined with great low prices for back to school time. Seriously, you should go and check it out. I’ll wait right here until you get back. Now that you’re back, and ready to finish reading, you can also find the OshKosh B’gosh store nearest you.
My girls are all about skirts and dresses. They love being able to have the freedom to twirl, and still climb trees. Cartwheeling and running free, but still having bright colors that make them feel a little bit girly, as told to me by Lil Miss. We’re still working on correct sitting position while wearing a skirt, but I’m of the let them live camp, so I don’t always push the envelope. Who can blame them for climbing trees and flipping all over the place when they have soft cotton maxi skirts and comfortable shirts? Lil’ Miss and her dance moves are free to be! And the ladybug can climb as many trees as she wants while styling and profiling!
Not to be outdone, Sir Twizzler, is quite at home in denim and a tee. Mom and dad tend to add a button up shirt over just to finish it off. I’m also very happy that the pants have the adjustable belts inside because my babiest of babies may have long legs, but his waist is relatively lean. It’s so irritating to find a pair of pants that fits lengthwise, but fall down constantly. Using safety pins like we did back in the day would be dangerous on the likes of Sir Twizzler. I can only imagine one popping open while he’s running around, or flipping, or jumping off of stairs, or rolling down hills. It’s always a party with Sir Twizzler, and I will always want to be invited.
Don’t let the reserved demeanor in this photo fool you. He’s spunky, and I wouldn’t want him any other way. Good thing his clothes will last as long as his spunkiness does. I know when I see that label on his shirt, or his pants, or his overalls (he happened to LIKE the overalls I purchased for him, unlike his twin sister, thankyouverymuch) they’ll last longer than he can fit them.
Are you looking to splurge for the beginning of the school year for your children too? It doesn’t even matter if school started at the beginning of this month, we can still pretend that new clothes need to be purchased, and that you are super excited about doing so. If you fit the bill, I have good news for you! How about a $50 OshKosh B’gosh gift card giveaway?! Does that sound good? To enter, I need you to tell me your FAVORITE first day of school memory. It can be your first day, or one of your children’s first days – just as long as it’s a favorite!
This post was a partnership between OshKosh B’gosh, Everywhere Society and Houseful of Nicholes. The photos are all mine y’all.
My favorite first day of school memory was when I started fifth grade. it meant moving upstairs with the “big kids”. I rember being so excited. Your littles, are simply adorbs.
My favorite first day of school memory was when I started fourth grade. I was starting a new school and was terrified. I remember trying to stand tall with my plaid ruffle shirt (it was the 80s), a pair of slacks and new shoes. I even had a new pocketbook. I was a fourth grader with a small pocketbook across my shoulder!
My favorite first day memory was my Mom taking our pictures outside every year and my brother who wasn’t old enough for school yet kept sneaking in the pictures and being goofy
cshell090869 at aol dot com
The kids look great! Love the outfits!
My favorite first day of school memory for my kids is when they came home yesterday and told me about all of the friends they saw yesterday and about how they liked their new teachers.
lawd I’ve bee out of school like a million years and I had to dig deep in the archives on my brain to find something LOL. I remember being excited about starting 5th grade because we literally had the entire school to ourselves. it was the perfect transition to prepare us of the change from elementary to middle school and I found out my BFF and I had all of the same classes together.
I love how OshKosh has something for all of your kids and they wear the clothes so well!
My favorite memory in most recent history was my son’s first day of Kindergarten a couple weeks ago. I was pretty proud to see him all grown up and he’s been doing so well!
My mom would always wake up early on the first day to make us waffles. One of my favorite memories involving school!
My favorite school day was always field day. It was fun to play games.
My favorite first day school memory was when all my kids were finally in school and we took pictures in the front of the house like we always do for first day of school but this time, all the kids were together.
My favorite first day school memory is my first day of 11th grade where I met my best friend!
My favorite back to school memory was my first day of 3rd grade. I started a new school and everyone was so nice. My teacher was the best that is probably why it is my favorite school memory.
My favorite memory was taking the school bus for the first time. My mom followed it on the first day to make sure I got there okay!
Our first day of school memory hasn’t quite happened yet! My sons first day of preschool is the 12th! I’m already getting emotional about it!
mine is the first time my kids were happy to go back to school, I knew they were maturing.,
One of my favorite was of my son on his first day of pre-k and before he went in he said I got this mom but I am not to big for a kiss!
My favorite first day of school just happened a week ago. My little grandson started kindergarten. I loved seeing pictures of him all decked out in his new clothes, backpack, etc.
I love OshKosh!! They make all 3 of my children stylish at all times!! your kids look adorbs too! I love those dresses!
I remember my very first day of school. We talked about the letter A and did an apple craft. I will never forget it! I thought it was so fun!
My best memory is my first day of school, arriving with all new supplies, new shoes and new clothes and finding my friends and a nice teacher waiting for me there. Lots of promise for a great year ahead.
meeting my best friend, Cyndi! we hit it off in 1st grade and we’ve been friends ever since!
Oh my gosh your kids are too cute! This is our first back to school year, my oldest is starting kindergarten. So I know this one will be the most memorable, when it happens. I’m sure I’ll be pouring over his baby pictures, crying over how fast time went by. I’ve been tearing up on & off all week. I’m a mess. haha!
my favorite school memory hands down will forever be the pet bunny my prek teacher let me constantly hold for comfort ! I still long for a bunny to this day when I feel down
Mine was when I went into 1st grade. My mom and I sat and had breakfast. She made me porridge with a chocolate chip smiley face. Now, I do it for my daughter….
Thank you for the giveaway!!
My favorite was my boys K and 1st grade first days of school – my daughter who was 2 at the time got on the school bus with them and I didn’t notice because I was taking pictures! Luckily the bus driver noticed before she drove off!
OK….it’s technically a *second* day of school story….
Last week my friends couldn’t get the time off to drop off their son on his second day of middle school, so I offered to take him. He asked that I park my car and walk with him to his classroom as he was still figuring things out at this big new school. So I did, but as soon as we got to the door and saw all the kids lined up outside he declared “OK, YOU CAN GO NOW!” lol
When my daughter started 1st grade and she was so excited because she had already met her teacher and loved her and this was the first time she was happy and not nervous on her first day. She was ok that I didn’t walk her to school after the 1st week
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My favorite first day of school was last year! Our little one started kindergarten, and we had the same teacher that his cousin had. We were so excited and she was so good! He was so scared to start, but when we arrived at school…he found out that his friend from preschool that had moved…moved back and was in his class! Oh he was so excited and such an awesome start to the year! He had a great year and they were best buds!
my favorite first day was of my senior year bc I knew it was the beginning of the end! it was such a happy day
My favorite first day memories were when we would get to find out our class lists for the year. We would get to see which friends were in our classes and it was an exciting time for us.
My best memory of my girls going to school is when my oldest was headed to 2nd grade and my youngest was staying home. As I was taking pictures of my 2nd grader, my youngest jumps in the picture and looks at her sister with these eyes that say, “I’m going to miss you.” It was truly a sweet moment. 🙂
So, true story: On the first day of the sixth grade- in a new school, at that-, I wore an ABSOLUTELY PERFECT (to me) floral jumpsuit. Skintight. Neon floral. My bangs were higher than the Hancock, and I KNEW I looked good. The very first girl I spoke to in homeroom shyly asked me where I shopped, and later became one of my best friends in the whole world. She eventually became one of my bridesmaids and, at the wedding, spoke of my stellar fashion sense. In all legit honesty. Because #truefriend.
Back to school……… Prayer, uniform, wipes, kleenex, 2 outfits for mishaps, hand sanitizer, hugs, kisses and of course TEARS! Mommy don’t cry its okay! My Sugar Pop is growing up yall! I’m happy! Off to work Promise has an agenda. See you mommy ok!….. She is with her little peers! WOW!
The new clothes. my favorite back-to-school memories consist of corduroy and turtlenecks! I remember shopping and being so excited to wear new things.
My first memory of school was my first day going to kindergarten. I met a little girl named Sarah who was 5. I was only 4 but I was allowed to attend. School was a paradise to me and i loved going.
My favorite first day of school had to be this year when both of my babies were at the same school together. they were both so excited to see each other throughout the day and it warmed my heart to know that they would be able to look out for one another.
Packing my lunch with my mom the night before school and picking out my special 1st day of school outfit..great memories.
My favorite memory is helping my mom pack my my little pony lunch box. I was so excited to start school.
I love seeing the kids all excited to wear their new clothes for school. It helps them feel super pumped instead of all nervs on the first day.
My favorite back-to-school memory would be shopping for school clothes with my mom, she always takes me with her. I get to pick a set of clothes that I want. The best thing would be is getting the tin “lunchbox” that every school kid wants! lol
I think my favorite was my first day of preschool because I was happy to find out we got to take naps lol!
I remember my first high school day but no other years.
My favorite first day of school was the year i baby sat over the summer so I had money to get cool new clothes. i was so excited to wear my new clothes that it made it the best first day ever.
I can remember the sad/scared look on my daughter’s first day when I had to let her go. Soon to be for my granddaughter.
My favourite first day of school memory is my own – first grade meeting the teachers. I remember just being so excited.
My favorite first day of school was the year my dad got to take me to school for the first and only time. He worked out of town and had to be at work too early to ever take us.
favorite school day was always field day
My favorite first day of school memory is when my twins went to kindergarten and the were so excited.
My daughters first day of kindergarten she was so excited.
My favorite first day of school was 3rd grade because I had the best teacher
My favorite first day of school memory was playing recess and being the boss of the playground.
My fave first day of school memory was when my grandma took me in for the first day of 1st grade. I was so nervous because it’s when I started going for a full day, I had half day Kindergarten. She made it extra special for me.
My daughter’s first day of Kindergarten will always be my favorite. She was so tiny getting on that big bus. She came home running into my arms and told me all about her day!
One memory that sticks out to me is my first day in kindergarten! I was nervous and scared not knowing what this big building held inside. I couldn’t move when my mom took me there I just stood in one spot watching all the big kids go in until my mom nudged me inside and left me. Lolllll….I can still remember the school smelled like the freshly polished wood floors and breakfast all in one as scores of children pushed past as I made my way to class.
I think my favorite first day of school was starting 6th grade.. That was the start of Jr. High and we could play in band! We weren’t with the younger kids anymore then!
My favorite is my daughter’s first day of preschool and watching her walk onto the bus all excited and ready to start her first day of school.