Have you ever wanted to ask mom’s of twins a bunch of questions, but didn’t really know how to approach the subject? I know that question etiquette is different for every parent in general, so several twin moms decided to get together and talk about topics like only we can. You know you want to tune in every month!
These are the types of questions that I would have LOVED to ask someone else pregnant with, or already mothering, twins while I was carrying the Twizzlers. It’s important to feel as if your questions are being answered, and that people aren’t turning you away just because you’re annoying, right? Pregnancy often brings out the best and worst cases of everything, and we’re going to lay it all out on the table for you to see. Please make sure to visit the sites listed below, and comment with your thoughts. Because I missed the deadline for answering this question, I’m going to go ahead and answer it for you now before you head off to read other responses from twin moms.
I found out that I was having twins at about 13 weeks gestation. I was considered high risk because of a previous miscarriage the year before. I remember having a WICKED allergy attack that morning and calling my midwife to make sure that I could take Benadryl before coming in for my ultrasound. I didn’t think anything of it, but after being told that we were having twins, Mr. Houseful and I walked back to our car in silence and sat there for what seemed like eternity. I finally broke the massive quiet growing behind us by looking straight ahead and proclaiming, “We’re gonna need a bigger car.”
For the entire year, I’m joining fellow moms of twins to bring you Real Talk with Real Twin Moms!
On the 15th of every month, Real Talk with Real Twin Moms will bring you answers to questions moms of twins have. Everything from finding out you are having twins, to delivering twins, the struggles and rewards, and even marriage after twins. We are ready to get real about what it’s like raising twins, and hope it helps you through this adventure! To kick off the Real Talk with Real Twin Moms Series, learn a little bit about these moms, along with their answers to this month’s question.
A bigger car indeed! We had a four door Kia Rio when they were born and it took us a year to find a van in our budget. That was a long year of making two trips when a family 6 went somewhere for holidays lol!