There seem to be a lot of days of observance floating around lately, such as, but not limited to, National Grilled Cheese Day, National Siblings Day, National Pancake Day, and Velociraptor Day. However, this WEEK we get to observe one of my favorite pastimes. Reading. This week is National Library Week, and we ALL know how much my houseful loves the library. We love it so much that we’ve had a library themed birthday party for the ladybug, complete with a visit to the library for storytime. We’ve protested on behalf of the library, we’ve contacted our legislation about cutting funds to the library and we make it a weekly stop for homeschool support and monthly book clubs.
That’s why I love that there is a full week (which I hope turns into a month) dedicated to the love of all things library.
My love of the library started in school. During our library period, which was once a week, I could not WAIT to be allowed to scour the shelves to see what new adventure I could get into. Our school also did an annual book sale to get rid of old copies of books and make way for newer fresher copies, and novels. That is where I bought my beloved copy of Wilson Rawls’s Where The Red Fern Grows and forever sealed my love for anything dealing with bloodhounds, the Ozarks and even raccoons.
I have to admit something. I’m kind of forcing the cellist to read this book next month. Mostly because I want him to love it as much as I do, and partially because we have to get his reading comprehension up. He can explain books in GREAT detail – but can’t get to the point quickly. I feel that this book has so many great passages, that it will be full of vivid imagery for him.
That’s why I love that he is active at our neighborhood library. He’s joined the You Media group through the Chicago Public Library, and he’s learning Photoshop, and how to do podcasts and videography. Our libraries depend on the funding of the city to operate, and that’s why I’m so passionate about them. Yeah, it’s easier to download a book on a eReader, but the feeling of being able to browse the stacks and find a gem of a book is priceless.
Seeing the ladybug run to her “side” of our library makes me smile. Seeing the twizzlers squeal in glee over a new video, or CD that I borrow is awesome. Knowing that as long as I have my library card, I’ll be able to take them on daily adventures makes my heart swell. I know you may think that I’m being a bit melodramatic, but honestly, reading is one of the best pastimes anyone can have. I also firmly believe that well read people, are some of the funniest on the planet. We “get” things, because our imaginations have been stretched. Things don’t seem so impossible to us.
Even if you take an audiobook out and listen to it while you’re driving, you’re still activating parts of your imagination. Check out a YA (young adult) book if you haven’t. Some of the authors are AMAZING AND, you’ll be able to discuss things from a standpoint that your child may be more comfortable with.
In the end, reading saves lives and families. Too dramatic? What can I say? I’m a reader.
Not too dramatic at all! I loooooove the library – it makes me giddy whenever I pull into the parking lot. Giddy!
As for “Where the Red Fern Grows?” Oh, man. My fourth grade teacher read that out loud to our class. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Not a dry eye in the room. I’m not sure I could handle reading it now.