I’m still a bit tired from the activities of the birthday party, BUT I wanted to go ahead and give you all a rundown in pictures of how the party went. I’ll try to do some tutorials of things that I made myself, but believe me, the internet was a HUGE inspiration for us. I’m pretty proud of this party, now I just wish that I had a better camera – or knew how to use mine better to REALLY capture how great the room looked for her.
Since the ladybug loves the library so much, we decided to give her a book-themed birthday party. What mom doesn’t love that their child loves the library. I spoke with the children’s librarian a couple of months ago and asked her if she would be willing to do storytime for us, and she happily agreed. Ms. Amber, you rock! We were a bit late to the library, but we were that way for good reason. I was corralling more children to the storytime for the first portion of the party.
During story time, the children had a craft that they were able to do, and they made bags! Why, bags? Because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. we go to the library, the ladybug has no less than two bags. Seriously. It’s become a running theme. And my friends KEEP buying her more. LOL! It’s cute. They also sang songs, danced and listen to stories with a running library theme.
So, the children came back home and this is what they were greeted with:
I got this tutorial from The Busy Budgeting Mama
I spent over what I wanted to, but I will say, most of the things that I bought for the party can be re-used for later parties, several times over, so I’ll take that into account. Overall, she had a great time, and the children who were invited had a great time too. It was a success, and for once I didn’t feel as if I had way too much for a kids’ party. I don’t know, I feel really good, and for the rest of the week, I shall eat whatever I want to celebrate!
All in all, my first daughter is now three and I have NO IDEA where my little baby went. The young lady that she has in her place allows me a couple of hugs every now and again, and said that she LOVED her party! I’m satisfied.
~Make it a great day!
Cheers to a great job well done! Phenomenal!
Thanks mama G! I am embracing my life as a little people party planner.
Looks great! Happy Birthday again to LB! Word from BB 🙂 {oh and consider your fruit kabobs STOLEN!!}
Steal away! BTW – Lil Miss Twizzler says that she loves her auntie BB!
Very nice. I like the theme also. Great Job
Thank you so much!
This is super cute! I’m eyeing the galvanized jug on the table. It may disappear. What out!
Love how the food go with the book theme.
You’d really steal from me? Really? LOL!
WOW!!! You did an amazing job pulling everything together for the little one’s birthday!! Everything looks great!! Looks like she had a wonderful time!
Melisa! Thanks so much. She had a fantastic time, and that’s all that mattered to me.
Fabulous! Awesome theme and I love all the special touches!
Thanks Teri!
What a great party theme.
Thanks Tray! It was a lot of fun planning it!
Mama N…you’ve outdone yourself again! Great job. I’m glad the Ladybug had a great 3rd birthday party.
I love this a million times.