Hey there! It’s been a while (I feel like I always say that.) Anyway, last week was the week that lots of bloggers around the country look forward to. #BlogHer13 was hosted in my great city – the city of Chicago. The host hotel was the Sheraton of Chicago on North Water Street (fun fact – Mr. Houseful and I attended MY senior prom there, 15 years ago) and the sessions and expo were held at the great McCormick Place in the South Loop. Many concerns were brought up, including the shuttle service back and forth from the hotel to McCormick Place, and while they were valid, from this weekend, there was no reason to worry.
However, that is NOT the point of this post. BlogHer brought my sexy back. It had me standing a bit taller, and happy to be in the skin that I’m in, and it was all because of a fashion show. Last year, BlogHer had its first fashion show that featured bloggers from around the country. They all stated that they felt some sort of way about it. So did I. When I received the email from one of the FOUNDERS several weeks ago, I thought that she had mistakenly included my email somehow. She didn’t. It was real, and it turned out wonderfully.
First of all, my fitting was HYSTERICAL. Mostly because I was so amazed at all of the shoes and jewelry and clothing that was laid out for us to try on. Then, Darlene, the head stylist came through with a very short number for me to wear. Like mini dress short. Like, half of my thigh would be visible, short. The look on Wednesday is NOT how I looked on Saturday. Saturday, I looked like I belonged, like I was comfortable, like a WOMAN.
The picture is a little blurry, but I’m sure you get the gist of it. I was in 4 inch heels, and Mr. Houseful showed up to support me! After being with the children since Monday, he mustered up enough energy to come and hang out with thousands of women while we cat called, and whistled and cheered for each other.
For that one magnificent night we weren’t on opposite sides of the political spectrum. We weren’t ONLY seen as black, white, asian, european, or hispanic. We weren’t ONLY boomers, or millennials. We weren’t qualified as being single, married, divorced, or mothers. We weren’t straight or lesbian. For ONCE I could smile and laugh, because the rooms that we were in were full of excitement. Because we were all worthy of being there. Our backgrounds didn’t fit into one neat little box. Our blogging stats and numbers and followers didn’t matter. It was refreshing.
We were models. We were fierce. We were divine beings strutting our collective stuff on the catwalk for all to see. We were applauded and lifted up by our peers. By people who have grown close to us via Twitter and Facebook and our blogs. People who, by golly, we’ve grown to love. We’ve laughed with these people. Cried with them. Maybe even disagreed fiercely with them. That night however, the equivalent of a big group hug was given to several women from around the globe, and it felt good.
It felt good to work our businesses that morning, and then come and let our figurative hair down (mine was up in a frohawk by the way.) It also felt good to step into clothing that enhanced our curves instead of hid them. Have our faces made up, and our hair curled, and pinned up.
As soon as the frohawk was completed on my head, my confidence soared, and I was in my element. Stepping on stage to the cheers of friends like Melisa, Liz, Cecily, and Jasmine was just the icing on the cake.
This week, I will continue to share what makes me and my friends feel sexy. It’s sure to be an eye opener for all involved. Do you care to start it off? What makes YOU feel sexy? It could be anything in the world. Anything at all.
Sashay, Shante!
You looked absolutely gorgeous! Nice to see that you had fun and truly enjoyed yourself. 🙂
Thank you so much. It definitely made me feel good, and having Mr. Houseful there cheering me on didn’t hurt either!
I remember you!!! You were STUNNING. WOW. You did so magnificently well… walking in those heels, so fast and without missing a beat. I’m telling you, you were a joy to behold and I LOVED every woman up there. So happy it is on video so I can watch over and over and relive the joy of celebrating being a woman. So happy you stopped over so I could see who you are!
You are making me blush. LOL~ Thank you so much for coming through and leaving me these words. Because they are awesome!
How much fun was that! Looks like you rocked the show.
Ah, it was me and 14 other ladies. We all rocked it out!
You KNOW I loved this. My throat still hurts from screaming. xoxo
I love you for being there for me. It meant more than you know!
omgosh! Mr. Houseful went to the catwalk? AWESOME!!!
Yep, he was right in the audience, and I didn’t know until we did our final walk! THAT was the cherry on top of my very sweet night!
For me, hugging you and then cheering you on was the highlight of BlogHer13! You are gorgeous (inside and out) and, well, I <3 you something fierce, my friend!