Lately, I feel as if my life has been GO, GO, GO! As evidenced by the photo of my planner that I posted on Instagram yesterday. This is just a portion of March and all of the madness that goes with it (see what I did there?)
While I was busy transferring dates, and times, and appointments into each of the FIVE calendars that I have – yes, I have a bit of an affinity to pretty planners, and calendars, and plus it provides a snapshot of where I am just in case the cellist needs to know if I will be able to do something on a certain day (It helps, I promise.) – I realized that not ONE day was for just spending time with my family. No blog requirements, or church requirements, or school requirements.
Why not schedule them?
Does that make them less “family” time? I don’t think so. I mean, I wasn’t and did not schedule what we would do, just that everyone had to block of that time so that we could spend it together. Whether it be to watch a movie, or go for a walk around the neighborhood and catch up on each others lives, did I mention that I can NOT believe that the cellist has an actual LIFE to catch up on?! I know that Mr. Houseful works hard and wants to share that, I know that the cellist works hard and is also traversing the arena that is teenager-dom and all that encompasses, I know that the ladybug leads a very dramatic life that she enjoys sharing with anyone who will listen, and I know that the twizzlers just enjoy talking in general. Sometimes, I even like it when the people in my house stop and give thought to all that I do and think about in the wee hours of the night. For instance, tonight, while I’m writing this at five in the morning (well, there goes the night)
I know that we all need to slow down at some point. I’m guessing that Spring Break may provide a day or two in order to do that. However, until then, we’ll keep it moving in our own semi-organized way, and just bide our time for a minute.
For now my house is quiet, and as I stare at my calendar, I do realize one thing. We’re blessed. Our calendars are full, but…
We’re blessed.
That is a great way to look at it … being busy AND being blessed! Family time is such an important and it makes sense to schedule in all those extra things to make sure you’re at least getting to them!
I have been making it a point to schedule time with the family. Time just to be. Love this idea of scheduling it.