It is Wednesday isn’t it? I’ve been so busy doing things to prepare for the Holidays, and a long-awaited weekend away for Mr. Houseful and I, that all of my days are becoming jumbled.
Lately, I’ve been looking at my tribe and wondering how in the world so much time has passed since their births. Yes, even my oldest who is 12 and six months (almost) away from being a teenager.
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that Mr. Houseful surprised me with a Christmas gift earlier this month. I got a snazzy new Nikon D3100 and I couldn’t be happier. I think that by the time the new year rolls around, everyone will be even more tired of me and my photo snapping craziness.
Here are a couple that I’ve gotten in the last two weeks:
It’s hard to get these two together for a photo. Mostly because the cellist is entering into a stage of independence and privacy that I’m *almost* not privy to. This was taken right after our time at the Chicago Toy and Game Fair over hot dogs and pop/lemonade. This is an actual photo where they aren’t arguing, and are coexisting in harmony. It’s also a voluntary photo of the cellist. He doesn’t volunteer much lately. I feel like I’m losing my baby.
I think it’s safe to say that the ladybug is going to be the best subject in the Houseful that I have for a while. Whenever she sees my camera come out, she always pops in front of the lens, and smiles BIG. Sometimes it’s not the right time to photograph, and sometimes, I forget about whatever I was trying to take a picture of (see the top photo) and choose to focus on her. At four years of age, she has such a great love of learning about things around her and things that Mr. Houseful and I are also interested in. Her brain never turns off, even when she is asleep as proven when she burst out in laughter during nap time.
She has teeth! And a HUGE personality. Lil Miss Twizzler is definitely another old soul (right behind her big sister) and her walk and ability to smack her knee while laughing during a conversation with her twin brother SCREAMS wisdom beyond her years. She can often be found stacking blocks and counting out of sequence in the middle of our family room. This is one of the rare times where I was able to capture the elation after I pulled a camera out.
My bundle of pure energy. Sir Twizzler. Focused on something while in church. He totally represents the daily busyness that I go through. His inquisitive nature tends to border on stuntman unlike his very mild twin sister. I can find him pulling one of his chairs up to a chair or bookshelf to get a better reach to something that he just has to have. Just like his big brother, he has made my heart drop instantly on more than one occasion. Usually, he doesn’t even realize that mommy was one step from being admitted to a hospital, or that he was one step from bawling like a baby.
It’s hard to believe that they all have these HUGE personalities and that somehow, a little of mine is hiding somewhere in them.
Blessing and thankfulness don’t end after Thanksgiving. If you take a little time each day and look around you, you can find something to be grateful for.
Fantastic pictures!
Thanks Sarah! I’m working on my ability to work this camera properly. LOL!