I always get them.
What’s sad is, I’m not the one forging into a new school year, with a new teacher, and learning the behaviors of all of my old and new classmates. Or am I?
Today, the cellist (I still have to change his nickname – maybe that will be a blog post on its own) is starting his first day of seventh grade and I’m a mess. Mostly because my child is turning into a young man, and so is his personality.
This summer we’ve had our share of ups and downs, mostly ups though, and I’m pretty sure that it might indeed get a little worse before it gets better. However, that doesn’t change the fact that I get a little misty eyed on EVERY first day of school, and I ALWAYS can’t believe how fast the year goes by, and how next year he’ll be another year older.
What I really want to do is just hug him. And whisper that he should hold on to these days of youth with all of his might. As a mom, I am trying to make each day that he is with me a pleasure and not a pain. I would love to shield him from all of the mean people, and frustrating days, and disappointments that he will experience in his life, but I can’t. What I can do is provide a place to talk, and vent, and encourage.
The Chicago Public School system has some issues this year (when doesn’t it?) and I’m mentally preparing for a possible strike and how I can use that to my advantage. Learning on HIS terms. Field trips daily, and hugs from the “teacher.” I am still blessed enough that my son will hug me in public and not get all crazy – I don’t make him though, no matter how much I want to.
I’m worried about his education. I worried about his curiosity being met. I’m worried about healthy school lunches. I’m worried about parent wars – as I have now been appointed LSC president – yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m worried about this year because it’s the benchmark year for high school grades. I’m worried about high school. I’m worried about him being too tired from the 7:45 am start time. I’m worried about him being in after school activities. I’m worried, and proud, and excited to see him go forth and accomplish.
I’m anticipating great things this year, including more organization on MY part. Yes, you read that right. I need to get my menu planning, and grocery shopping, and Box Tops collecting, and paper area more organized. Of course the word “need” means that I have yet to do it. Hopefully by the time fall break comes around, I’ll be better. I’m just going to keep my fingers crossed.
This year, I also have my volunteer priorities better organized. One huge binder for Box Tops for Education, and another for all of the other fundraising campaigns that I lead. I’m ready for it! While I was at Type A, I was reinforced about a volunteer scheduling tool that I learned about through PTO Today called Volunteer Spot. I can’t WAIT to use it to get a better handle on parents coming through for things!
What have you done to prepare for back to school? Share some of your wisdom with my houseful!
I’m Signing Up To become a more effective leader, And Here’s Why! I’m joining VolunteerSpot’s Back To School campaign to help raise visibility for parent involvement in schools.
Save time {and stress} and get more parents involved
at school with VolunteerSpot.com!
VolunteerSpot’s FREE online signup sheets make it easy to organize parents and signup to help for just about anything: classroom helpers, snack schedules, carnivals, library volunteers, parent-teacher conferences and more…. No more ‘Reply-All’ email chains! Please share with your room mom, teachers and parent leaders…
Plus there’s a huge Sweepstakes on VolunteerSpot’s Facebook page!
Win an iPad for YOU and a $500 for your fave School! Enter here
And let me tell you, as a mom of an 18 year old getting ready to be college student, that feeling never goes away. Ever. Trust me, I know. HUGS!
This new school year is kicking my butt big time. With 5 kids in 3 differents schools, that I drive almost an hour away to drop off and pick up, I’m pooped! My organization plan has went awry and I need to regroup and revamp.
Hugs and Mocha,
Wow! That is quite a bit to handle. When you get your plan together, I want you to come back and share because I’m sure that someone somewhere (including myself) can use a little bit of help. It’s hard when you have multiple children in different schools.
Aw, I hope all will be okay! Loved this post though. My kids are younger and are super excited for school – but I may be more excited! I am ready for the organization and routine. As they get older though, I get more and more nervous – especially with my oldest!
Hey there Emily! I want to NOT be that parent that is sulking, but it’s hard. I think that my homeschooling came a little from my own selfishness. I’ll post about that a little bit later. Glad to see you over in my neck of the woods. I’ll have to check out how your Text Bands concert went. 🙂
It is so hard to send my daughter to school! I really miss her and like you, I do worry at times about her education. Sometimes, communication is lacking so I do not know where she stands in math, reading, etc. Fortunately, I have learned as a volunteer, her teachers don’t mind me poking a head in every once in awhile!
We have a few more days left and are trying to cram in some last minute summer fun. I feel like we missed out on a lot because of the heat!
You are absolutely correct. Most teachers love to pick the heads of parent volunteers. I just find it a bit of an issue when things aren’t as clear cut. For some reason, I felt when I was a kid that we got SO MUCH correspondence to take home to our parents, although I’m sure that’s not true. It’s weird when you are in the parenting seat sometimes, and going through things for the first time. Thanks for coming through!