Once again, I’m looking back in the cell phone photos and picking out some that I like, or that have a little bit of meaning to me. I’d like to think that I looked pretty cute on the day that I went to the Opening Minds conference at McCormick Place on Saturday. So much so, that I asked Mr. Houseful to take a photo of me.
I think that he may have been mesmerized by my good looks because…fuzzy. It’s okay though. I have on a white peasant top that I’ve had FOREVER, Lee’s Platinum Label straight leg jeans, and a pair of animal print flats by Kelsi Dagger that my good friend Rae gave to me. I felt fantastic, and not frumpy, like I usually do.
Here’s a better view of the shoes. They play so well with the dark color of the jeans, don’t they?
Speaking of shoes, I picked up a GORGEOUS pair of Restricted wedges from DSW on Monday that were on clearance for 70% off. I’m in love. I love the men inspired look with the feminine touches on the inside. So awesome.
I’m one of the few people in Chicago who probably still likes the snow. We’ve gotten more than enough of it. I think we’re nearing five feet of accumulation since winter started. Today we got seven more inches of the fluffy stuff today!
The ladybug is growing up. >SIGH< The baby fat is leaving her face, and she’s starting to look like such a big girl. And who taught my young lady to SMIZE?! Such expressive eyes this one has. Mor Mor Houseful also purchased her a long black dress coat, and I KEEL OVER from love because she immediately wanted to wear it while I was wearing my long black dress coat as well. I’m so humbled that my little girl wants to dress like me.
It all comes back to shoes. I need the brown and red pair. Oh, heck, throw in the other two pair as well! Anyone want to support my habit?
We lost a great actor this week. Unfortunately it was due to drug use, and that makes me sad. I know that he was in so many movies, but I must say that the last thing that I saw him in was Catching Fire, and now I kind of want to binge watch all of his movies. Just because he was that great.
I was sent some great soap to deal with my SUPER dry skin by LiaNaturals and I must say that I am loving the charcoal soap and it is really doing a great job on my problem spots which happen to be my right eyelid, my right wrist and fingers on that come into contact with my wedding ring. I’m going to continue using it for a bit and see where everything ends up. If this keeps up, I may be able to wear my eyeshadow soon!
I also happen to really like Benedict Cumberbatch. But only as Sherlock Holmes. Andrea from MouseInMyPocket tried to warn me, but I ended up falling headfirst in love with his character. It might be because he’s so delightfully rude, yet you know that he cares, in a way.
What photos are in your phone? Take them out and share! They shouldn’t have to hide any longer!
Oh how I wish I could help you with your shoe addiction…. unfortunately I have one of my own. It really is a sad state of affairs, the two of us. And yes, I did warn you about Sherlock… I guess we have a thing for sociopaths.
It’s a sickness that I don’t mind having. 🙂
I love the picture of you and your daughter! She is adorable! I might steal (wait that’s not a nice word) COPY the idea of a photo dump. 🙂
Thank you Amanda! I say go for it. I’m pretty sure that I got this idea from another blog. 🙂
Your smile is infectious, oh and I miss your face!
Thank you and I miss your face too! I was just in McCormick place and had wonderful nostalgic memories of BlogHer!