This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of White Cloud Diapers. All thoughts, and opinions are from Mrs. Houseful.
The last time I heard of the brand White Cloud, I was in college and the cellist was a wee little one rolling all over the place in my two bedroom apartment. I picked them up because they were affordable on my slim budget and they kept everything contained.
The second time I caught wind of White Cloud diapers, was this year, when I was invited to preview the items at a fellow mom’s house. As many of you know, the ladybug and the twizzlers were cloth diapered for a year and a half and a year respectively.Then we moved to disposables until they were fully potty trained. Errr, well, until the ladybug was potty trained. The twizzlers are still in disposables, and let’s just say, buying for two is definitely an expense that I could do without.
However, I didn’t want to go inexpensive at the expense of my babies tushies. Oh, stop it! You know what I’m talking about. Red bottoms, otherwise known as diaper rash. BABY! Let me tell you, the cellist had it ONCE and I about died, so you can only imagine the lengths that I’ve gone to in order to keep the next three from ever suffering from the ordeal of diaper rash.
During the presentation, we were given one diaper to check out. If I’m honest, I’ll say that it’s nothing much, BUT you do notice how slim they are, and the fact that there is NO plastic. None. Even the stretchy sides are made from cotton that’s been shirred (that’s a sewing term that I just felt like throwing in) for stretchiness. As an added bonus, the newborn through size 2 diapers have an extra quilted layer to make sure that all babies stay comfortable. The inner of the diaper is also made of cotton, and has an absorbent core to wick away moisture instead of letting it sit on your babies’ bottom. Now, that is NOT to say that you should leave your child in their diaper longer. It just means that the moisture will not sit ON their skin after your child uses the bathroom.
If prints are your thing, you don’t get much here – but really, who’s looking? One of the very superficial reasons that I cloth diapered was because I could apply awesome prints to the bottom of my child and exclaim how cute they were. Now, since they’re walking, and some folk look down upon kids being out and about with just diapers on (believe me, I know this from experience – like last Friday experience) I’m not sure that having prints is all that important, you know?
Here’s a close up of one of the diapers with a giraffe print. Don’t mind Lil Miss just drinking some apple juice.
She was even so excited that she decided to get UNDRESSED to try on one of the dipes! Unforunately (or fortunately – depending on which way we’re looking), she picked this day to be a potty training champion, so no diaper changes during the party. As you can see, the diapers come in sizes newborn to 6 and are priced so that anyone can afford them!
Diapering can be one of the biggest expenses in a family’s weekly budget and a great performing diaper is a must-have for parents. In order to make this affordable, Wal-Mart has reintroduced their premium line of White Cloud diapers to address the needs of today’s busy parents.
White Cloud Diapers provide your baby the highest quality diaper with superior leakage protection, exceptional softness and great fit. White Cloud Diapers are available exclusively at Walmart, where you can find low prices everyday on all your family’s needs. Check them out today!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of #WhiteCloudDiapers.
I mainly used this kind and really liked them.
They are definitely great diapers for those on a budget or in general! I see that they vamped them up since I used them last (13 years ago – YIKES)