This year is starting off in a new space for me. I’m talking all things We Sow We Grow, and thinking that we’re going to be breaking ground on that urban farm soon! You know what that led to right? Making sure ALL the gardeners in my life felt the love on that holiday coming up next month! Who says we can’t sow love into the lives of the people who grow things for us?! Without much more commentary, here’s what I’m loving for valentine’s day gifts for the gardener in your life. All photos are clickable and take you to the site to order.
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How about a kitchen herb garden for those of your friends just ITCHING to get back out in the dirt. If they can’t wait to get ANYTHING planted, they can start with this kitchen sized herb kit and have fresh herbs until it’s time to get in the dirt!
If your gardening pal has all of the herbs on every window sill possible, maybe start them out with their very own garden themed charm bracelet? It’s a great way to carry their love of gardening with them, and a bit better looking than dirt under the nails!
If you have a tiny gardener in your midst then a Valentines Day party may be in the works! If you aren’t too keen on sending candy, then print out these Valentines and attach seeds to the back, and watch the world become a better place.
Know someone who has to show love in their garden no matter how cold it is? How about buying them a garden flag for the season! It’s a nice reminder to show love each and every day!
We don’t want to forget those more into function rather cuteness! With the ability to engrave your choice of message, these are a good tool to have for removal of those woody trees and weeds!
When we’re talking functional gifts, this gift box is perfect! Gardening in any form is dirty. And you are bound to have dirt under your nails after spending an afternoon or morning in your growing space. Keep those nails clean-ish and your hand moisturized with this gift box.
Talk about keeping hands free while in the dirt. This bottle clip for the belt is perfect for those people who may have lost a water bottle or two in the garden. I’m not pointing any fingers.
Need to remember what you planted and where? How about a gardening journal! Perfect for those of us who no longer have perfect memories, and can’t remember which notebook we scribbled the information in. Good for three years, it’s a GREAT addition to a gardeners arsenal!

A personalizable tote to hold all of the tools of the trade is a great gift this Valentine’s Day. That way, you’re ready to go out and be one with plants at a moments notice. It also makes sure that tools stay relatively neat and tidy as well!
Need to plan the entire garden down to the boxes and containers that you’ll be using? Here’s a perfect visual planner that you can print as needed. Print one out for your favorite gardener and present it to them with new tools and just WAIT for that first thank you crop to come in!
Know someone with a small amount of backyard space, but not a real plan as to how to grow what they want? Tell them to try the Garden Tower and plant 50 plants in ONE SPACE! Great for apartments with balconies or even teacher friends who want to teach gardening units!
Last but not least, how about some good ol’ garden wear? If your favorite person is dirty by nature, or they continue to sow into the hearts and kitchens of others, consider purchasing a Dirty by Nature or We Sow We Grow tee shirt from our collection! All proceeds go to the continued running of the We Sow We Grow Project.

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