I was never a person who enjoyed going out and partying. I was never a drinker, smoker, recreational drug taker. I never got an emotional high from the “crazy things kids do in college”. That isn’t to say that I didn’t have fun. I had a complete ball. College was amazing. I like to think that those around me always had a good time when they were with me. I also recognize that because there were certain things I didn’t do, there were certain events I simply didn’t get invited to. Not a problem, just a truth.
Fast forward 15 to 20 years, and I’m a father of four and a full bodied, read blooded home-body. Looking back now, I can absolutely see how I turned into this guy. But I would have bet you money that I would be more outgoing at this age. I will forego tickets to the theater if it means sitting at home and catching up on my Netflix queue. Birthday party? Thank goodness for Facebook and Amazon. They’re amazing and allow me to sit still and and be the best friend I can be without actually having to leave my home. Now, let me be clear, that isn’t to say that I don’t go out. I still go to birthday parties, baby showers, engagement parties, house warmings, cook outs, etc. I just have a preference to stay home alone if given the choice.
So you can imagine my befuddled look when I was smacked in the face with the realization that I was a home-body. It’s not that I didn’t already know it. It’s that I didn’t realize how smoothly I’d transitioned into this guy. My wife doesn’t particularly like him, sometimes he gets on my nerves, and my kids would rather I be a little more “out of the house”. I recognize it, but I can’t say that I know how to fix it. I don’t exactly know how to drag myself out of the house when it’s so much easier to be here. I like my home. I like the people (most of the time) that are in my home. I like it when those people enjoy being in the home as well.
I will make it a point to do better in the future. I owe it to myself. I owe it to the rest of my 30s. I owe it to my family. I will make it a point, but only after I get through my Netflix queue. Rewatching Battlestart Galactica, Prison Break, and Heroes is at the top of my to-do list.
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