This past Monday, my youngest son left me to hang with my mother (which is very non-Sir Twizzler like, he’s a homebody) so the girls and I had an unexpected day alone. So we did what any three ladies do, and went to spend the day outside, walking, talking and stopping for a pedicure. Who knew how much fun that would be.
This was their first time in a nail shop, and the general amazement on their faces while being pampered brought me so much joy. Let’s not get it twisted. They know ALL about mom’s pedicures in the middle of the living room, complete with feet soaking in those mustard greenish hospital tubs that all of their gear came home in after they were born. However, having the real thing, and sitting in the massage chair and being doted on had them holding back on what I KNEW was a fit of giggles on the inside. The receptionist came through to ask them if they wanted bottled water, and without missing a beat, Lil’ Miss replied “Yes, please” while intently watching her nail tech remove her tiny cuticles.
I will step in right now and tell about how I did have to be super mom like and let them know that by no means could they have any of the red nail polish. Which is weird, because I was completely open to yellow, blue, purple, pink and all of the other brighter colors. For some reason, having my six year old walk around with red polish on her toes just made it seem less “fun.” Lil Miss decided on a bright purple since, “it’s my favorite color, Mommy!” and the ladybug decided on an eye popping pink because, “you KNOW I love pink!” I chose OPI’s Miami Beet and we moved to sit in our chairs. Don’t mind our cute little snub toes. It’s genetic. You care.
While we were being serviced, I listened to their conversation. They spoke about the Jackfruit that I had just bought at the grocery store, because they saw someone (Andrew Zimmern?) on television cutting it up. The spoke of how the water felt so nice on their feet, and how I should rub their legs with lotion every night like their nail techs took time to do. I’ll have to admit, they didn’t skimp on the service just because little folks were inhabiting their chairs, and that was worth every bit of the super expensive pedicure that we were tumbling towards. Why? Because big toe nail art, that’s why. A daisy on both big toes for Lil Miss, and polkadots for the ladybug.
I’m always looking for ways for us to connect, and something about getting our toes done, and laughing at the fact that I’m super ticklish was just what I needed. It’s nice for us to just hang out and not worry about lessons, or the countless things that seem to plague children these days. I want my kids to live carefree lives while they are kids. Lord knows they’ll have enough attempts to stifle them when they are older. I’m not having it now.
How do you encourage your daughters to be carefree?
growing up my mother was very particular about everything we did: what we wore, how we dress, what we said… everything. when I became a mother I realized controlling every aspect of my child’s life was stifling, so I let my girls be carefree by being themselves authentically. Want to wear two different shoes to church? Okay, as long as you have on two shoes. LOL
My mother was like that – we were put together from head to toe. When I think of it now, I don’t think stifling is the word I would use, although I understand your reasoning. I just felt that I had to live up to this perfection with my own children, and it made ME crazy. Once I got over that after my first born, I was less stressed. It’s amazing to see her interact with my children now. I know that there are a lot of things that I do that she would never do, but I do love that she embraces and respects the way that I raise my children! Their quirks are what makes them amazing!