Many thanks to CVS and their Total Home Line of products for helping me to get my new home holiday ready!
While I have been super excited to move into our new home, I am a little inundated with cleaning up from all of the new home rubble. Lots of drywall dust, and what not. Since we’ll be hosting my side of the family here for our first Christmas, I want to make sure that everything is up to par just so the eight grandkids, my brothers and my parents can be comfortable. For this job, I’m using the Total Home cleaning supplies which can be found at your local CVS.
You would think that after serving several years in the Navy that I would be a bit more prone to cleaning, but I think the fact that I have children in which house the winds from the four corners of the Earth, I’m a bit uneven. It’s okay though. They like cleaning up for the most part, and I’ve let go of the perfection enough to let them do their variation of it alongside me.
In my package of Total Home cleaning supplies I had several things. An Extra Strength Cleaning Eraser, Disinfecting Wipes, Streak Free Shine Spray, and Facial Tissue (which found its way into our photo shoot.) My children LOVE using the disinfecting wipes on the surface areas that their short heights can reach. Our kitchen bench, and sides of cabinets are perfect to use these on. The fresh scent even makes the areas that are cleaned smell great.
Mr. Houseful loves the Streak Free Shine spray. He used it to clean out the microwave when we moved in, and was immediately impressed with the cleanliness he KNEW he was going to get because of the presence of ammonia. No worries though, it isn’t overpowering, and it truly is streak free. We can also use it on the bathroom mirrors for those moments when toothpaste hits it from overzealous mini toothbrushers.
If we keep up this level of cleaning, we’ll be more than ready for the holidays AND we’ll also have established some high quality cleaning practices. It always helps to get your family to chip in while you are cleaning. Little hands can really get to the lower areas of rooms, and most of the time, they happily want to do it. Older children can wash dishes, and handle vacuuming more troublesome areas. Mopping, and even laundry helps too. Mom and dad can be left with those areas that either little ones aren’t big enough to do, or the jobs that are left after distribution to older ones. If you have more than one teen, then you shouldn’t have ANY worries.
Cooking in a kitchen that is spotless makes holiday meal preparation much less stressful, and being one of MANY hands helping to clean helps alleviate that as well.
So, hit me with your best cleaning tips, and remember to stop by your local CVS to pick up these cleaning supplies at a great price. While you’re at it, check out social media streams for #TotalHome #GoldEmblem and #HolidayEntertaining for more ideas!
I didn’t know CVS had a line of cleaning products. I will have to check them out. We aren’t hosting for Christmas, but I still need to get ready for the new year!
I didn’t know CVS had cleaners either. I will check them out when I get out to shopping this week. I may be able to find some trinkets for the Christmas stockings, too. Thanks.
It’s so true. I can’t cook in my kitchen until it’s spotless, and I also can’t spend hours waiting in line at a big box store for cleaning supplies. This Total Home looks like a win/win!