There are so many things to love about National Box Tops University that takes place in Minneapolis, MN (or St. Paul, as it did this year) every June. If you’re a coordinator of a Box Tops program at your school, THIS is the place to be. I’m so glad to have been able to go again this year and meet up with so many coordinators from around the country. I was even able to speak during a panel session called Coordinator Connection (new this year) where coordinators were able to sit in on the track that they picked themselves prior to arriving at Nationals. This year’s theme was Game On Box Tops! And honey’s let me tell you, it’s definitely a game changer.
During my panel, I gave some ideas of how you could get more of the parents in lower-income schools collecting. Ideas included hosting a coupon class (who DOESN’T need those?!) and tying in a monthly Box Tops contest with a study unit. We also want our coordinators to reach out to local businesses to donate product or gift cards to families. Help drive sales in your own community! I’m not sure about you all, but the morale level in the Chicago Public School system is low, but I realize that every parent can’t homeschool like I do. That’s why it’s my desire to continue as coordinator long after the cellist is out of elementary school. Kids NEED advocates and I plan to be one as long as there is breath in my body.
Given that Nationals were a little less than a week ago, I’m still a bit overwhelmed with all of the great information that we received. MOSTLY I’m impressed with General Mill’s committment to add new and better brands to their already fantastic line up. Joining us this year are:
- Mott’s® Medleys Fruit & Veggie Snacks (6 pack)
- Yoplait® Greek Raspberry Fig Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Avery® Flash Cards
- Avery® Tickets
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch® Cereal Treat Bars
- Cocoa Puff® Cereal Treat Bars
- Fiber One® 80 Calories Chocolate Squares
- Fiber One® 80 Calories Honey Squares
- Fiber One® 90 Calorie Bars
- Fiber One® Original
- Fiber One® Protein Bars
- Fiber One® Frosted Shredded Wheat
- Green Giant® Seasoned Steamers™
- Green Giant® Stir Fry
- Green Giant® Value Sized Bagged Vegetables
- Honey Nut Cheerios® Medley Crunch™
- Horizon Organic Milk Box plus DHA Omega-3 – 18/8oz. *
- Horizon Organic Reduced Fat Milk with DHA Omega-3 – 3/64oz.*
- Lucky Charms® Cereal Treat Bars
- Mott’s Healthy Harvest® Applesauce (6 pack)
- Mott’s® Applesauce (6, 18 & 36 pack)
- Mott’s® Snack & Go Applesauce Pouches (4 & 16 pack)
- oplait™ Greek Raspberry Frozen Yogurt Bars
- Peanut Butter Toast Crunch™
- Yoplait™ Greek Honey Caramel Frozen Yogurt Bars
- Yoplait™ Original Harvest Peach Frozen Yogurt Bars
- Yoplait™ Original Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt Bars
- Yoplait® Greek Black Cherry Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Greek Blueberry Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Greek Honey Caramel Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Greek Peach Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Greek Strawberry Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Greek Vanilla Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Original Vanilla Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Original Cherry Orchard Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Original Harvest Peach Frozen Yogurt Original Pint
- Yoplait® Original Mixed Berry Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Original Mountain Blueberry Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Original Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Original Strawberry Frozen Yogurt Pint
- Yoplait® Smoothies
I’m glad to see the addition of fresh fruits and veggies from Green Giant and organic items from Horizon (only available at Sam’s Club or BJ’s for the moment.) Box Tops listened to ALL of the people stating they couldn’t collect as many because of the brands that carried processed foods. Well, now is your chance to stock up and clip on!
I was also super please by the Land’s End tote that we received with a Box Tops for Education Logo emblazoned on it! Great conversation starter for coordinators, and a way to keep all of your counting and clipping supplies in one spot!
We were also treated to the Hamburger Helper truck coming through during lunch and letting us sample two great sides. Ultimate Helper and a Chicken Helper – I was too full from lunch to eat, but I did get a picture with Lefty! As an aside, the skirt that I’m wearing is one that I sewed last week just in time to take with me. It’s a Mimi G. regal sash maxi, and I”m pretty sure that I’ll be making more. They’re wonderfully made, and the finishing was so great that I can’t help but want to do more.
This year, we went above the $75 million from last year and increased it by another $5 million in Box Tops collected. Good stuff!
Bringing the grand total of Box Tops collection since the program started to a whopping $558 million and some ‘change’ in total earnings!
Now, for those of you who are still on the fence about whether you want to attend next year, let me just tell you, if you want to jumpstart your collection, or reignite it, then it’s no longer an option NOT to go. With so many passionate coordinators in the same building, it’s hard not to get excited about the program that you fell in love with initially anyway.
I’m part of the Box Tops For Education African American Blogger Panel and my travel and hotel accommodations were compensation for me talking about National Box Tops University. But let’s just call a spade a spade, you would have been hearing about this anyway, even if I wasn’t a part of the panel. 😉
Whoa! There are a lot of items that I did not know about that are with Box Tops!!! I have to step my game up! Totally love this program!
Thanks for the wonderful information! I am a new BTFE coordinator and would really like to attend next years event.