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This simple commercial from Cheerios has gotten a lot of attention. Most of it positive, but as with anything, idiots have come out.
People who don’t want to see bi-racial couples together.
People who don’t understand why the black guy couldn’t be married to a black woman, or why the white woman couldn’t be married to a white guy.
People who don’t understand why the black guy is seen sleeping on the couch being lazy (really?!)
People who don’t understand why the GUY couldn’t be white and the WOMAN be black.
People irritate me.
The complainers are literally a boil on the butt of society. THE lowest common denominator and therefore should go ahead and find the nearest island and sail to it.
I’m not sure why so many people are so uncomfortable with folks of different racial backgrounds being together. Is it really that serious?
Until then, I’m going to rewind and watch the cutie little lady make sure that her dad is heart healthy – and make sure to relish those extra Cheerios that I find in my shirt pockets.
It is amazing in 2013, this should not be an issue. Just walk around your local mall or grocery store. There are lots of bi-racial couples with beautiful children. The husband is taking a nap, that is all. People look for the smallest thing to try and create drama. Wow, I am glad my brain is not filled with small brain thoughts.
I love this SO SO SOOOO much. I just shared a post about it, but will be sharing yours, too. This rocks. People are so effing stupid. For freak’s sake. GET OVER IT! **EYEROLL**
This is seriously cute! ! People “do too much”. They over read, over think, and over TALK. They need to take it for what it is….a cute Cheerios commercial like all the others!