I always get to do cool things. I want to thank Nickelodeon and Kmart for partnering with Houseful Of Nicholes to tell you all about the great back to school shopping you can do with Kmart! Nickelodeon is also making sure that your children are ready for Kindergarten and beyond!
This event took place this past Saturday at the Addison Kmart in Chicago, but don’t worry! You can still get ready for back to school with the $50 giftcard that I will be giving away at the end of this post! Kmart is definitely a 1 stop shop for all of your back to school needs, and I was able to load up on some fantastic things for Nathaniel AND the houseful of littles and their homeschool baskets! With pens, folders, backpacks, and all of your lunch needs, you don’t need to hop from one store to another.
Side note: Do you realize how much teenagers crave these gel pens? It’s like currency in school. From what I’ve heard.
Once I was done shopping, I went to hang outside with the Nickelodeon characters! Dora the Explorer and I go way back. Seriously though guys, this was a HUGE deal for me, because I’m kind of afraid of people in character costumes. We’ll talk about this in a later post, because it’s a lot to unpack. I’m almost embarrassed about it, but not enough to delete the evidence of myself saying it.
While outside, we were able to take in some tips that were on standing placards around the parking lot. The kids were able to jump around the obstacle course, and color and create as well. Oh to be a child again.
Back to school isn’t only about the kids and school supplies though. Parents need to make sure that they have all of the supplies that they need to make home life run smoothly after their children get home from classes or activities. While I was in Kmart, I made sure to pick up cleaning supplies, and a pad to keep me organized through the school year. Some days, it’s quite a feat to keep the house together, teach three kids, AND make sure they all eat when they are supposed to. Good thing Nickelodeon and Kmart made sure to give tips on Kindergarten readiness too!
Thanks to the event, we feel confident that those of you with children on the way to Kindergarten will use Kmart and Nickelodeon as sources of inspiration for school AND play!
NOW! For the giveaway – tell me YOUR best kindergarten readiness tip in the comments, and you could win a $50 gift card to Kmart to help with those items beyond the backpack! Giveaway closes Wednesday, August 23 at 11:59 pm!
My tip for Kinder is to have a change of clothes in a zip-loc bag for the accidents at school. It takes a while to get used to the timing of school bathroom breaks!