I hate ironing. There. I said it. Being in the Navy almost killed my will to live. Shirts had to have three creases in them, and everything had to be wrinkle free. The on base cleaners and I became very good friends. They knew how to iron to regulation, and I didn’t have to flip a switch to that hot plate. It’s kind of crazy that I like sewing though, right. Something where you HAVE to iron seams and press interfacing. That’s not the point though, so stop trying to get me to go there. Downy Wrinkle Releaser was created for ME.
I loved when I received a package of Downy Wrinkle Releaser PLUS to try out on my clothing. I’ll admit, I was a bit reserved in thinking that this could really get rid of wrinkles like it claimed, even though it was created by one of my go to fabric softeners. It also states that it eliminates odors, refreshes fabrics (hello airline travel) and removes static. It’s also an ironing aid for those of you diehard ironers (like Mr. Houseful) so no worries about accidentally spraying it like a starch, right babe?
I will say that I do hope that they come out with another scent though. The light fresh scent is definitely light and fresh, but it doesn’t always give me that straight out of the dryer smell that I like to go for sometimes. You know, to let people know that I actually do wash and dry my clothes on a regular basis. I’m not sure what type of scent that I’m going for, but something not too florally, or super invasive. You know, like Cool Water.
The absolute BEST thing about this kit that I got, seriously folks, it’s like the company knew how much I hate to iron, is that it comes in travel size! So, I don’t have to pour liquid from my coveted super-sized spray bottle, one is 16.9 fl oz., the other is 33.8 fl. oz. The travel sized bottles are 3 fl oz, and will let you breeze right through TSA with no problem.
In order to use this, you should have a hanger. If you don’t, you have bigger problems than wrinkled clothes. You hang the item on a hanger, spray in a sweeping motion, kind of like you’re directing the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and then tug and smooth. Then you let it hang until it dries completely, and voila! You’ve got yourself a clothing item that looks like you took time to iron it! Or in the case of our houseful, the best friend of all of us who wake up 30 minutes before we’re supposed to leave the house. You can spray, hang, shower, and be out of the house in less than the hour that you’d have to take if you ironed. Here is one of my favorite dresses, being put on show. I hate that it gets so wrinkled, and I hate ironing it, because…irons. I took it outside for all the world to see how wrinkled it is, and how I carry magic in a bottle. Observe. Not related though, I need to buy another one, because I see a hole. Carry on.
So, I travel with it, I use it in the house, and I keep an extra in my car, because I can. Thanks so much to Downy for providing product for me to test out and fall in love with! Now, go and pick some up!
Thank you for posting this! I detest ironing so much I’ve hidden our iron deep in the depths of the laundry room! Just in time for the school year!
I love Downy Wrinkle Release. My college child loves it. She ASKED for it before going off to college for the first time, then again last year. I suspect this year’s request will be filed shortly. Apparently it is great for those clothes you don’t have time to wash. Err I mean the child likes hitting class looking fresh and unwrinkled every day without ironing.
Note to self–so long to hanging clothes on the shower rod to be “steam-pressed”
I must try this! I hate ironing, honey…. I hate it. Send me some!