The second week of another round of Thread Filled Thursdays. YES! Today, I’m talking about the Retreat Bag by Emmaline Bags. I’ve been a fan of her bags for a while, and I’ve even sewn up a Necessary Clutch Wallet a couple of years ago that I still haven’t blogged. I’m telling you, I sew up so many things and think that I tell you all about them. One of these days.
This pouch works up in about an hour and I love the boxy shape that is created with the wires that are inserted into channels right under the zipper. By the way, did I ever mention how much I love installing zippers? Well I do. Also, I want you to take note of my OLFA rotary blade and my Gingher scissors that I purchased for 60% offf during one of those mega sales at JoAnn Fabrics. Those scissors are normally a cool 60 bucks, so it was nice to get them for a lot cheaper than that. A JoAnn’s tip. You can use each coupon sent to you in a sale period from each email sent. Don’t delete duplicates!
I figured this retreat bag was a perfect time to pull out my much coveted fat quarter of Melody Miller’s Ruby Star Shining fabric. This fabric is out of print, and I wish that I could get my hands on some more pronto. It’s so awesome. I hate always being the last to know about great prints. The lining is something that I also picked up from JoAnn a while back. I’m embarrassed to say that I spent most of 2015 not sewing because I was dealing with things in the house that I built with Mr. Houseful. The house that I still need to take you on a tour of. The house that love built. And patience. And sweat. And blood. And tears. I don’t have a dedicated sewing space like I did at our old house, but I’m making do with what I have. I will say that it feels so good to be able to sew again. Even if I’m not cranking out three and four items a night like I used to. That quilt top that I made years ago? Still a quilt top, haven’t finished that either. It’s coming, it’s coming.
I’m even starting to fussy cut. That’s how I got the full heart for the zipper tabs for the retreat bag. I love how the heart is perfect on this too. It doesn’t happen often for me. I would say this pattern is for an advanced beginner. All of the items are rectangles, and you have to be comfortable turning a bag inside out through the lining as well. Being able to handsew a small portion in the lining back together is necessary too.
So far, I’m made three retreat bags, and I’m looking to make more and put them in my Etsy shop. Cross your fingers. I miss this outlet so much, and need to really focus on it, and I find that I’m happiest when I’m doing it. I have some great Jessica Jones Outside Oslo fabric that I want to use as well. It’s more than a fat quarter, so I can make one for me and put another in the shop. Until then, I’ll leave you with these photos! Happy sewing!
I love this bag! Right now all of my sewing things like my fabric shears (got my Ginghers on sale, too! Yay!), pinking shears (sadly, not on sale. ouch), and other bits and things are piled into my big project bin. Makes it hard to find stuff when I need it. I’d have to get brave enough for that zipper, though. They are thrilling to put in and not so hard in reality, but the intimidation factor is pretty high for me.
Hi Molly! I promise you, the way that the zipper instructions are written, you won’t really mess anything up. Just read the instructions through before even starting anything, and you should be okay. Especially since it’s a free pattern!
These Ginghers are AWESOME and I’m looking to pick another set up when I get another 60% off coupon. Make sure you tag me when you make this bag, because I love seeing all of the fabric choices of everyone.