You know what’s weird? I’ve been sewing. I’ve been sewing quite a bit, and the fact that I re-opened my Etsy shop proves it. There are only two listings there, but it’s something. I’m sewing though, and it feels good, and a bit overwhelming, and satisfactory. I started back up after we realized that we would need to have another stream of income, and it needed to come from something that we were already good at doing. Sewing was the only thing that made sense.
My friend Aaronica, showed me this pattern and I decided to make it – which you saw in an earlier post, but I didn’t like the fabric that I used. I ordered waxed canvas from an online supplier, but the quality wasn’t up to my standard, so I went to the supplier recommended by the pattern writer – Anna from Noodle-head and now I’m in love. I’ve already sewn, sold and shipped four of them in less than two weeks, and now I’m working on another pattern of hers for a client, the campfire messenger bag.
As far as a review goes, I love this pattern. It’s a relatively easy sew because of the fact that it’s all straight cuts. If you don’t like zippers, or sewing with stiff fabric, then this and the waxed canvas aren’t for you. It takes six pieces of hardware, one zipper, and quite a bit of fabric, which makes it pretty big inside. No worries though, because Anna gives you labels to keep track of your pieces. I love the little details that she has in here. From the way to close the backpack to the strap connectors.
As I stated before, I’m selling these bags now in my Etsy Shop – Houseful Of Stitches, and I’m proud to say that I’m really good at making them. One of these days, I’m going to add some leather to the mix to see how I like that. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right?
Now, tell me what you’re making by filling out the link hop below! Until next time, keep sewing!

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