Thanks to Mathnasium for partnering with Houseful of Nicholes
If homeschooling has taught me anything, it’s that my children may have less children to compete with in class, but they for sure still have some of the same issues that children in traditional schools have. It has also taught me that I’m still not super fond of math, and I don’t want that frame of mind to trickle down to my children. Nathaniel LOVES math. He’s so good, that he took a test upon returning back to school after a week off due to illness, and aced the exam – not knowing that there would be one when he got back. He should be in AP math of some sort, but – kids born in 2000. Anyhoo. The three musketeers are currently enrolled in Mathnasium – West Loop location, and they are loving it, but it wasn’t always that way.
The ladybug fights any type of learning where it’s structured, because she doesn’t like to feel like she’s being compared to other people, but little did she know that the structure of Mathnasium was going to blow her mind. With the ability to do drop in classes up to six times a week (they are closed on Fridays) there would be no reason not to see her improve her math skills, as long as we all put in the time and effort necessary.
While the Twizzlers were enrolled, they were in a special program called First Steps – which is a fun, interactive class for students ages 3-6 years old. It isn’t available at every Mathnasium location, so you should check with yours. With over 40 locations to choose from in the Chicagoland area, I’m confident that you can find what you need for your child to be the best that they can in regards to math.
The ladybug looks forward to her “alone time” in class, and I look forward to having her grow confident in her skills and showing them off to me when she gets home! She has her very own folder that she grabs when she arrives for class, and she sits with an instructor in group, but still has the chance to ask them questions one on one.
The method that is used at Mathanasium is straightforward.
Students start by taking a customized assessment which pinpoints their needs, allowing the instructors to meet them where they are and take them where they need to go. These assessments continue throughout their Mathnasium instruction to ensure progress and skill retention.
Customized Learning Plans:
A customized learning plan for teaching the concepts the student needs to master, is designed, and it uses a combination of proprietary materials and instruction techniques to ensure your child masters these concepts.
Specially Trained, Caring Instructors Who Teach:
Mathnasium’s specially trained instructors implement the learning plan and work with each student to ensure they master the material. All teaching takes place during the Mathnasium session, and we don’t assign homework.
Over the last several weeks, I’ve learned that my children actually love math. They love learning about things that they didn’t even apply to math, and now we have the best money counters our house has ever seen!
I am excited about programs that help our little ones to thrive and strive for excellence. My son loves math and I know he would enjoy this activity!
What a wonderful program! I wish I had something like this when I was younger.
This sounds like an awesome program. I definitely needed this when I was younger. Math and science were nothing but the devil to me.
There are quite a few of these out our way! I have to check them out and see what they have to offer. I am more of a language arts/literature/history teacher when it comes to homeschool, so I know this could be a great supplement for us.
You know, math was my major downfall in elementary through to highschool. My mom got me a tutor to raise my grades for university, but still…I had to bust my a** to get mediocre math grades. I really wish Mathnasium was around when I was growing up!
This sounds awesome! My son is four and quickly showing a huge interest in math and anything that has to do with engineering. My brain is quite the opposite so that worries me when I consider homeschooling him. This sounds like a great option to help with that. Will definitely be keeping this in mind while I contemplate moving back home to Chicago.
Nice. I always wanted to homeschool my rugrat but wasn’t able to. I love that there are so many diverse options for home schooling and especially with math, which I know a lot of kids have a difficult time with.
Unlike me, me Kiddies absolutely love math! It sometimes amazes me. I would love to be able to give them an option like Mathnasium to help encourage and grow that love. . .
So, we went to Mathnasium last week for my daughter. She had an assessment. She wants to go, but we have to add in that cost. My son saw how much fun it was and wants to go as well.
They have Mathnasium near us so I am definitely going to check it out for my daughter. What I need is a Sciencemasium for my son. Glad your kids are enjoying it.
Oh this is interesting, I’ve never heard of this! This sounds like such a great and fun learning experience for kids!
I’m sure my little homeschoolers would enjoy this experience. Now that we are in multiple units of double and triple digit multiplication and division they don’t enjoy math as much. I need to reignite their spark.
Looks incredible. I’m sure my little homeschoolers would enjoy this experience. Now that we are in multiple units of double and triple digit multiplication and division they don’t enjoy math as much. I need to reignite their spark.
I have seen these pop-up locally, and have wondered how good are their services. My daughter is pretty good at math these days (she’s 6), but anything that will help keep her on her A game as she progresses is worth it.