In a continuation of our Spring Break adventures, the Houseful visited Go Bananas in last week. The cellist had gone there when I was pregnant with the ladybug (almost five years ago, GAH! Where is the time going?!) but he was pretty excited to go back. I also made sure to call to see that there would be plenty of things for the twizzlers to do as well. Let me tell ya, there’s nothing worse than two toddlers seeing everyone else around them having fun, and being told that they can’t do anything.
Like with any family place I visit, I went to their website to see if there were any deals or things that I should take advantage of. There were, and while we probably couldn’t go every month, I’m sure that the times that we do find ourselves within the walls of Go Bananas, I won’t have spent a small fortune for the Houseful to enjoy themselves.
Unlimited ride wristbands are $13.99 for the day, and tokens are available for various large portion discounts. Socks are required as well.
The rides are also various. With clear instructions and height requirements as to who can ride them or not. The twizzlers were able to ride the train for a while – and loved it, even with the consistent loop – and there was also a small area right under the soft play jungle gym that they were able to enjoy. I think that it’s pretty ingenious of the Go Bananas staff to make sure that it was a little off from all of the other attractions, so that small children wouldn’t be distracted by much. However, the bowling lanes was also perpindicular to that area, and we had to call Sir. Twizzler back a couple of times.
The smallest three on the kiddie train.
Route 66 Bowling Game
The cellist showing off his bowling form.
We were able to get by with 20 tokens for each kid, especially since the twizzlers didn’t really “play” any games.
One game that the ladybug loved and kept winning 200 tickets from was this Jackpot one, I really hope that I’m not creating a gambler. Her stance was on point.
She also happened to enjoy the Banana Squadron ride, and if I could convey the seriousness in which she lifted and landed the banana plane through pictures, I STILL couldn’t do it justice. What can I say, when my girl plays, she puts EVERYTHING into it.
There is also a bouncy house, that Sir Twizzler was afraid of, but Lil’ Miss embraced with such a vigor that I was amused. There is also an indoor roller coaster, and bumper cars as well.
All in all, if you’re looking for an affordable place to take your children to, this is a pretty good option. Safe, clean, and the pizza wasn’t too bad, or so I’m told, since I didn’t get a slice.
Ticket redemption is as expected. Your child wants gifts that require way more tickets than you may have. The great thing is, you can go ahead and match the ticket requirements penny for points, and just buy it outright, but don’t tell your child that!
The staff was courteous, and even came to open attractions if they weren’t manned (as per their policy) without any sort of grumbling. This will for sure be one of my rainy day options during the summer, and the school year.
Disclosure: I was offered a compensated visit to Go Bananas in exchange for an honest and fair review. All opinions are my own.
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