The richest person in the world – in fact all the riches in the world – couldn’t provide you with anything like the endless, incredible loot available at your local library. ~Malcolm Forbes
Today like most Tuesdays, the Houseful gathered up and went on our way to the library. Except today was a little different. In our neighborhood they opened up a brand new library. The Richard M. Daley branch of the Chicago Public Library system. It’s awesome sauce (I got that from the ladybug who got it from I have NO idea.) There is something magical about being one of the first to enter a new building, let alone a brand new library. I was able to grab some action shots of Papa Nicholes reading to Sir Twizzler and the Ladybug, but no more because I was a bit scared that the patrons would think that I was slightly crazy.
We maxed out our borrowing limit and were in LOVE with all of the BRAND. NEW. BOOKS that were lining the shelves. I also must admit something. I’m secretly hoping that no one comes to this library for a while with good reason. It was so nice to just have an entire edifice to ourselves for a bit. Almost like our own little secret hideaway from the rest of the busy hustle and bustle of our city. Our own private space.
My genre for this trip was all homeschool literature. I don’t think that I announced yet that we will be homeschooling the Ladybug this year and we’re starting off with LOTS of books reinforcing the alphabet and music – since our Public Library System has a summer reading program lovingly named Book Beats and books with that theme are easy to come by. It is also a great choice because while the Cellist practices for tap dance or cello, we can discuss things that we see him doing while also supporting his interests at the same time. Brilliant, no?!
The cellist is reading a Rick Riordan series and Eldest. Eldest looks to have the same thickness as War and Peace. We’ll see what he has to say when he finishes it.

The best of my education has come from the public library… my tuition fee is a bus fare and once in a while, five cents a day for an overdue book. You don’t need to know very much to start with, if you know the way to the public library. ~Lesley Conger
Thanks for stopping by and remember:
Make it a FANTASTIC Day!
you already know…