The ladybug that is. Since her birthday falls after the cutoff for Chicago Public Schools priority for automatic entrance into Preschool, I decided to become proactive and teach her myself. I mean, I’m a smart cookie if I say so myself, and I should be able to do this, right? If you would have caught me two weeks ago, you would have been able to talk me away from this and just influence me to have her wait another year out. However, after a great pep talk from another homeschooling mom, and a myriad of homeschooling blogs, books, forums and information later – I’m on board!
We’re starting immediately. I figured we would wait until the start of school for the cellist, but she enjoys reading, and that is one of the biggest suggestions for the start of great homeschooling. Read, read, read, read, read. We’ve been to the library the last two days (which is a pretty big feat when you have four children, two whom are seven month old twins) and maxed out our borrowing limits. Yeah, it’s that serious. As posted below, we are focusing on music, colors and the alphabet for our first “unit.” Whatever else she seems to be interested in, we’ll do that too, but for now, I just figure with a semblance of something, I’d not go crazy.
We’re also mixing in a bit of sign language in there, since I’m pretty fluent. I’m not degreed in ASL or anything, but I do know enough to have full conversations with hearing impaired individuals. I’m excited, a little bit scared, apprehensive, and totally open to the new way of learning that I will give to my daughter. The cellist will be on a supplemental homeschooling schedule. Not too much, but we will do things at home that he isn’t able to do at school, like science fair projects and history fair projects. Yes, I’m somewhat of a big nerd.
So wish us great educating! We’ll need it!
~Make it a Fantastic Day~
Ooh it’s nice in here! Swanky! 🙂
That is definitely being proactive!
I have a bunch of resources to send you. Nadine is Clarke’s secret – not so secret grandmother – and has sent me so much great stuff. Coming your way!
This is great. I currently homeschool and sometimes it sounds weird to say it. But I’m embracing it more and more!