Earlier this year, my son Nathaniel visited Hamburg Germany as part of an exchange program between his school and their sister school there. I know that THOUSANDS of parents send their children off without them daily, but I was a bit sad about my oldest heartbeat leaving me AND the country for an extended amount of time. However, I’m SO glad that he had the experience to leave the country without us. He’s already traveled without us all over the US, but this here was a learning point for both of us. We made sure to go through a checklist of things that he needed before leaving, and we made SURE that he packed lightly so that it wasn’t a pain to travel in general. I mean, have you ever traveled overseas and seen the amount of luggage that some people bring with them?! I managed to spend a little over two weeks in Malawi and only packed a backpack. I was determined!
I will say that I spoke with my quiet teen more while he was gone than I normally do when he’s residing under my roof. He checked in daily via Facebook Messenger (the video app is awesome!) and sent photos of his ventures around the city. His host brother and his family were the epitome of hospitality, and we can’t wait to host them this fall!
I was told that he liked his trip to Berlin the most, but that Hamburg was full of things to do, and a great city with reliable transportation and many places to eat and shop. You know, the things important to teenagers. He did visit quite a few museums, and official buildings, including churches. Being a church kid himself, he was intrigued by the fact that most German people, as told to him, don’t really attend services regularly, but more for special occasions. One of the churches that he photographed was St. Michael’s in Hamburg, and the edifice was absolutely gorgeous. I noticed that red brick and copper were very popular throughout the country, and it created a uniform look.
He did visit Berlin as well, and visited one of many Holocaust Memorial Sites, and I was pleased to hear that no one took any inappropriate photos like the ones being posted on Instagram these days. I think that Nathaniel’s understanding of mass genocide in general provided a sobering reality when he stepped onto the site where so much tragedy took place.
I will have more to share about his solo trip in the coming days, but wanted to start of with the highlights, or the ones that really resonated with me.
Have you ever sent your child overseas without you for an exchange program? How did you fare? Let me know in the comments!
We’ve never participated in an exchange program before. I love them, though. I think they’re an excellent way to broaden the horizons of young children.
I went to school with an exchange student so many years ago and I learned so much from her. I think its a wonderful program and I would love to see me young people participate. Beautiful pictures
Germany is a wonderful place to visit. Having lived there many years ago, I sure miss the architecture and food. Have a bratwurst for me!
That has to be scary to let your son go some place without you with him! I hope they he loves it and get a love for traveling ! 🙂
My daughter hasn’t participated in an exchange program but I’m sure it is something she would enjoy. What a great way to experience another culture even if it is far from home.
Facebook Messenger is a great way to keep in touch. This is an amazing trip for him to go on. I would be so nervous if one of my kids went on a trip this far.
I haven’t been part of an exchange program, but have known others who have. It was such a rewarding experience and I am encouraging my three children to grab the chance if it’s available to them
I can so relate to your post. My mom had tears in her eyes when she came to drop me to the school for the first time and then at my college hostel. And yeah, we used to talk a lot on phone than when we were together. I feel that is how life is and one has to leave one’s family for a better future. But its really great to know that you and your son bond so well with each other.
It can be so hard to let them go so far away, but it is so good for them to experience new cultures and places. It sounds like he is learning lots and enjoying his trip.
You must be so proud to have such a well-traveled and mature son! Good job, mama!
it’s totally like an adventure…even i have been away from my home for my studies and can totally understand how it feels
I always wished I could have done this and love the idea for my own kids. However, I admit it scares me a lot! 🙂
Exchange programs are a great way to learn more about a culture, meet new people & travel. I’m happy he is getting to experience all of this. Hope he has a great time in Germany
This had to be so hard for you, but SUCH an experience for him! Studying abroad is always my #1 tip for college students, it’s SUCH an incredible experience!!!
My little one is too young for any exchange programs yet but my sister went on one to England! She absolutely loved it!
I bet that he had a wonderful experience. I wish I could have done something like that when I was his age. I can’t imagine sending my son off though, I would be a wreck. You are so strong for being able to do that!
i’m sure it was awesome. germany is an amazing country. one of my best friends was born there and has family that still lives there. i love seeing the photos from when she visits.
The exchange student program is such a great learning experience. I wish my parents allowed me to participate but they wanted all their children home at the end of the day. I am happy for your son, and I know he will treasure the experience for the rest of his life. Kudos to you too, you are a great mom supporting your son’s overall development.
I have sent my daughter to Japan for her exchange program and it was tough doing so. We all get used to it eventually. I think it’s nice that your son had a great time exploring while he’s there!
yay this is awesome gone head young man explore life. I wish I had an opportunity like this.