Hey there sower and growers! It’s May 1st, and it’s time to get outside and plant DIRECTLY into the dirt. I know, I know, where some of us live, it’s still slightly chilly, and quite wet, but it’s the PERFECT time to plant your root veggies, and some others that will need quite a bit of time to germinate and grow for a great harvest.
It’s been a LONG time since the last time we were out in the community garden working in the dirt, but I’m chomping at the bit to get there. This past Saturday, Mr. Houseful mowed most of that quarter acre of land, and he still has more to do, because we have large items to move around. However, we can SEE the raised beds, and now people know that there is planting soon coming!
What I’m MOST looking forward to eating is the spinach that will be harvested soon. There’s nothing like fresh spinach, and since it wilts so small after sauteing it, I love having a large bed of it to pick from to eat.
This garden is my heart and my passion. I know that we will have another great harvest year, and that we’ll have an awesome chicken coop, and we won’t have a random dog break into it and play a little bit too rough with the girls.
Anyway, there’s still room in our group for gardening lovers, and it provides a great space for you to ask questions from folks who love to talk gardening technique as much as you love learning about it!
If you get a chance to peek in, check it out HERE and share some photos of what you’re growing. We LOVE photos in there! Pretty soon, it will be time for most of us to start transplanting our seedlings to catch up with most of our neighbors to the south!
Until then, HAPPY GROWING!
I LOVE it when growing season hits! We don’t have a lot of space, but I like to set out a few tomato plants and some herbs. That’s the base for almost anything you can think of.
I’m so glad gardening weather is here! Thanks for sharing these. I’m bookmarking and then I’m getting some seed! Woohoo!
I’ve always been jealous of people that can grow stuff in their garden. I am horrible at growing stuff. I don’t live in an area that it’s easy to grow stuff but even if it was I kill everything. I love fresh fruits and vegetables I wish I could make it myself LOL
What a great post for gardening beginners and those with black thumbs like myself. My favorite thing to grow is Snow Peas a.k.a. Snap Peas. I love when they actually start growing, but hate all the work leading up to that point, lol.
I didn’t realize there were so many possibilities for may. I think it would be really cool to start growing kale by myself!
We started some vegetables inside this year. They grew super quick and we just moved them over to a bigger container. Hopefully it will be warm enough for them outside soon
I am jealous my garden never seems to yield as much as I try to grow. Last year my tomatoes never took. Maybe I’ll try this year again with carrots or brussels sprouts.
Thanks for the reminder! We need to get our garden going this weekend.
Oh great list! I need to get the yard ready. Especially after all this rain! Yikes! So much mud!!
My garden is one of my favorite places and favorite things to do. I’m so happy that garden season is pretty much here now! Can’t wait for all my fresh fruits and veggies.
I can’t wait to get outside digging int he dirt! This list is a great resource – I never know which ones I need to start indoors or can plant directly outside.
Your post reminds me that it’s time to get planting! This is a good reminder list for me to refer to.
Thanks for prompting me to get outside and start spring planting. I have many of the seeds you mention that would do well right now in the climate where I live. Gardening is something I really enjoy and it’s a great way to get exercise and so fun to grow your own food.
This is a great guide! Very helpful! I wish I could start with this soon!
This is great advice to start a garden in may. I realize now it’s time to get on it.
We’re getting ready to put in lettuce. Weather has finally turned, so now is the time!
Thanks for the reminder. I will pin this… we finally have a nice weekend here. It’s been cold and rainy the last week or so.
I didn’t know you could plant all of this already. I need to start my garden.
I wish I was good at growing things. I still have been working on a tiny garden, but it just looks so sad. I hope to try planting some of these veggies some day. I’m determined not to give up!
I’ll have to give some of these a try. I have a green(ish) thumb, so I might actually be able to get these to grow.