This post brought to you by a simple statement from one of my friends:
I HATE CHIN HAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I immediately and sadly agreed in my head and shared this little gem of a story below – of course it was consolidated.
Friday afternoon started off hectic. The collective (the four children) and I were heading down to Memphis, TN on a weekend road trip with Mor-Mor (my mother) and I needed to remove the cellist from school early. Granted he had already been there for an entire school day in general, but it was still an early dismissal.
As I made it down the stairs, I was met with an entire class of sixth graders. I will not lie – I do not particularly like school aged children. They’re mean, and judgmental little beings, and they do NOT think about what their comments may or may not do to someone. As soon as I made it down the stairs I heard:
“She’s got a beard!”
The boys immediately blamed it on the girls and the girls stood their looking dumbfounded. One boy in particular quickly stated, ” Mrs. Nicholes, that was NOT me!” So you know that it was DEFINITELY him. This also played on my issues with childhood bullying as well. Kids can be so cruel. Next time you see a teacher, give them a compliment, they HAVE to go through all sorts of sadistic training in order to deal with some of today’s children.
I say all of that to say that it has taken me YEARS to accept the fact that I will always have chin hair. I just have to get used to plucking, waxing, etc. However, there are some days where I just do not have the time to do it, and the scenario above is what happens when I don’t make the time to do it.
I will say, the embarrassment that I felt was not nearly as bad as when a high school friend’s daughter whispered LOUDLY to her mother,
“Why does your friend have a beard?” I wanted to cry. Seriously. I’m not sure when I exactly started sprouting these stubborn follicles, but I will say that they are very evident. It’s not just one or two stray hairs – it’s a SLEW of them. I’m mentally saving up for laser removal, but I’m also scared that I will be made into a zebra chin from the possible scarring.
I have a vivid imagination.
I don’t too much care about hair on my legs, and during the winter time, ALL bets are off about that. I don’t mind shaving my underarms and legs, but shaving a chin is too much like being a guy and I do not have any sort of penis envy going on right now. I just want to know why I’m going through a rather follicle-ly challenged DECADE right at the moment.
Anyone have any LONG term solutions. I’ve used Sally Hansen wax which honestly does last for a bit of time, but it lulls me into a false sense of security for two or three weeks and then *BAM* I have a full chin again.
Maybe I’ll check the yellow pages for traveling circuses that need bearded ladies.
I hate chin hairs….
I’ve often wondered why I haven’t gotten more facial hair comments since I’m so tall & my chin is right in or above people’s faces. Sometimes I’m diligent to remove them, lately I’m not.
It’s because you can step on people. >-<
I hate chin hairs too. And at any given time I have about 5 or 6 of them on my face. I usually forget to pluck them..and then I am going somewhere and BAM…i see those hairs.
Kids can be cruel. And your own family members can be cruel too. I think I have more emotional scars from the things my family thought they had the right to say to me growing up.
Ooh, Ronnie, don’t get me started on the damage that family members can do! I wish that we were given celebrity treatment without the celebrity clause – you know, paparazzi following you around everywhere.
My cousin has a beard. She’s constantly shaving or waxing it but that seems to make it worse. She is saving for laser treatments with the dermatologist. You’re so right, kids can be cruel. They’ve teased her horribly about this since she was a little girl. Now that she’s and adult and married she just ignores the ignorance.
Hugs and Mocha,
I think that this is about the only thing that still kind of makes me self conscious. I have a very heavy voice, a lisp, I’m bow legged and my laugh is out of this world. Yet, chin hairs make me fearful. Yuck.
I too suffer from sever chin hair which I HATE!!!
I have done almost everything and the thing that thinned the hair and lasted the longest was to have it Threaded. this is a technique where you use a sewing thread, it is twisted around the hair and then pulled out; much like plucking, but less painful because like waxing it removes more than one hair at a time. It is a very common practise for Asians who are not allowed to use a blade of any kind due to religious reasons. I have had it done for 5-6 years and it lasts for about 6 weeks at a time. I now just use a home wax once a month and pluck the odd hair in between. Threading has been my survival for chin hair. Check out your local beauty shop and see if they do threading.
You can also get a cream that will make the head of each hair thicker, therefore making it easier to pluck, I did not like this as it hurt more.
Have a great Holiday. Love your list of things to do over the year.
Vickie in Great Britian
I’ve done threading on my chin, but I left feeling not as impressed as I do with a good wax, and upkeep in between. I’ve been trying to stay on top of it in between, but I think that I’m going to literally start scheduling it into my calendar. Sheesh. The things we do.