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National Geographic Little Kids Magazine

National Geographic Little Kids Magazine

National Geographic Little Kids Magaizine

There’s something about getting your own mail as a kid that makes life SO great. There’s something even better about getting mail with pictures of animals that you really enjoy learning about during your homeschool units. That’s why, when your mom is a National Geographic Insider – you think she’s amazing. At least, that’s what I think my children think about me. I was announced as a National Geographic Insider last year, but with preparing to move to Nicholes Manor, and life in general, I haven’t had a chance to post about it on my blog until now. I do know that my year-long ambassadorship ends in September, so, be prepared to read a LOT about all of the great things that National Geographic offers to kids. 

Whenever one of the Little KIDS magazines show up in our mailbox, the three amigos all tussle over who gets to read it first. Their favorite part seems to be the card collection that comes in each and every single issue. The ladybug has really been racking up her collection, and squealed when she saw that this month’s issue (not pictured) included lion cubs. 

National Geographic Little Kids Magazine

What I love most about the magazine is the fact that just like the adult magazine, National Geographic brings the rest of the world into my home at a level that is understandable for the audience. With the Little Kids magazine, my children are able to understand all of the subject matter, and can spend lots of time just marveling over the pictures of animals from around the world. 

National Geographic Little Kids Magazine

Another great thing is that I can appreciate is the fact that these seamlessly integrate right into my homeschool units always. It’s a way for the Twizzlers and the ladybug to see real life applications of the animals that they love to learn so much about. I promise you, we really should just become members of the zoo so that we can spend every waking moment there. I remember my love of animals and science back when I was younger (so much so that I majored in biology during my years in college) and it’s kind of neat to see that my kids have that same love. 

You can see that Sir Twizzler was the first to get a hold of this magazine, therefore, he was able to stake claim to the Wild Cards. We’ll see who’s ripped the Wild Cards out of the Lion Cubs issue later today. 

Stay tuned as we go to Pet Smart (which is an official National Geographic Pet Products Supplier) to pick out a new family member in the way of a beta fish – and our adventures with him or her. 

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