One of the greatest joys that I had as a child was settling down in my bed, or on the floor and reading a good book. I could devour books as quickly as I could consume my meal, and the more I read the more I wanted to read. It’s one of the reasons that it kind of stung a little that my children weren’t partial to reading when we first started homeschooling. When I finally got down to the root of the matter, it was because they were scared of making mistakes, rather than not really enjoying good stories. Especially my oldest daughter. They LOVE when they have stories read to them for bedtime. They LOVE story-time at the library, but they didn’t love sitting down with a book and reading out loud because of possible embarrassment.
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I made sure to pay a bit more attention to her and her progress through the Reading Eggs program in the beginning, but after a week or two, I could sit back and relax as she and her siblings navigated the website just perfectly, and I received updates with their progress.
Learn to Read with Reading Eggs

Using Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs was easy to start because a while back we tried a free trial to see if the kids were ready for online-based learning. I needed to make sure that they were comfortable using the site, and progressing forward without too much of me or their dad hovering. Well. That was three years ago, and I’m certain that they are more than capable of being online with their curriculum. To be honest, it’s the format that we both prefer. We’re able to take our laptops/tablets anywhere and still continue to school without having to print out pages or pack workbooks. That gets to be a LOT when you’re three kids in, and travel as much as we do.
As a homeschooler, I’m glad to know that Reading Eggs feels that our platform is as important as brick and mortar schools, and they make sure to create a curriculum that both homeschool teachers and students can follow. They even break down what five skills your children will be strengthening through their program. Here’s what they have to say:
Reading Eggs instructs homeschoolers in the five core literacy areas outlined by the National Reading Panel as essential components of reading instruction. These include:
- Phonemic awareness – children learn the necessary listening skills to become aware that speech is made up of sounds and that these sounds make words, syllables, and phonemes.
- Phonics – each letter of the alphabet is introduced in its own lesson with a focus on reinforcing letter-sound relationships and highlighting the alphabetic principle.
- Fluency – children develop the rapid word recognition skills essential for reading fluency, including learning to instantly recall crucial sight words that makeup 50% of elementary level books.
- Vocabulary – new words are introduced with visual support to provide context and increase word knowledge and retention.
- Comprehension – reading for meaning is the end goal of Reading Eggs. The program includes over 2500 e-books, each with their own comprehension quiz.
Why I love Reading Eggs for My Children
The use of the site is progressive. Your children can take a placement test (don’t worry, it’s fun, and shouldn’t cause any sort of nervousness) to see which area of Reading Eggs they belong in. Reading Eggs Junior, Reading Eggs, and Reading Eggspress are the three possible levels that children can place. Being able to help children as young as 2 and as old as 13 is beneficial in a homeschool setting. I have several levels of readers in my setting, and none of them feel left behind, because they are working at their own speed.
I also love the updates that I receive in my email when each of them hits a milestone in the program. There are lessons, and then a quiz at the end of each lesson. I’m able to pinpoint areas in each lesson where they may need a little bit of help or coaching. Being able to see this on my end makes sure that I’m not pushing them too fast, or making them stay in levels that they have mastered. The fact that they challenge themselves to finish out levels is a plus too. My youngest daughter has a personal goal to be at a certain reading level by the end of September, and I’m excited to see her work towards that goal.
Reading Eggs Junior
The program includes hundreds of fun activities, videos, songs and books which build essential pre-reading skills. Reading Eggs Junior is ideal for toddlers or children who are not yet ready to start Reading Eggs.

Reading Eggs
Designed for children aged 3-7, Reading Eggs consists of multiple learning areas, including:
- My Lessons – 120 reading lessons each consisting of a variety of instructional activities. Learn more about the content of each lesson.
- Storylands – features 20 lessons with a focus on developing reading, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Storylands also includes 20 wonderful books and lots of fun rewards. Learn more about the content and skills covered in Storylands.
- Spelling – 96 carefully graded spelling lessons that develop a wide range of spelling strategies. Learn more about the content covered in Skills Bank Spelling.
- The Story Factory – children can write their very own storybooks and choose full-color illustrations to match their story.
- My Program – at the completion of a reading lesson children are recommended four e-books to read that match their reading level.

Reading Eggspress
Reading Eggspress continues the learning to read journey for 7 to 13-year-olds, helping children further develop their comprehension, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills. Key features include:
- My Lessons – over 200 comprehension lessons that cover five broad levels equivalent to school grades 1 to 6. Learn more about My Lessons.
- The Stadium – your child can compete against students from around the world or against the computer with four contests that test skills in spelling, vocabulary, usage, and grammar.
- English Skills – focuses on common spelling rules, generalizations, and strategies using a combination of teaching videos, engaging online activities and games, with printable worksheets and assessment tests. Learn more about English Skills.
- The Library – home to over 2500 e-books, each with their own comprehension quiz.
Benefits of Using Reading Eggs
As a young girl, you could NOT take me into a bookstore and think that I would leave empty-handed. Color me surprised when it wasn’t the same for my children. Especially my oldest daughter. She started out as my reluctant reader, and we spent many days during our early homeschooling years struggling to get her to “like” reading and read at her level. I was doing it all wrong. Coming to terms with that completely changed the way that we tackle learning in our house.
We now visit bookstores or the library, and they only rule is, they can have what THEY can carry because trying to carry books for three children is getting a bit heavy. We don’t buy books often, because of space and finances, but I do love seeing their library request list grow and for them to check off and for them to finish a chapter book they didn’t believe they could finish before. The fact that they understand what they’re reading is a huge plus as well. I can ask them questions, and we can discuss the main ideas, and themes now too. Not super deep, but they get the gist.

Try Reading Eggs for free!
Because you’re a reader, here’s a chance to try a 4 week trial of Reading Eggs for free! Just head to Reading Eggs to sign up and test it out for a month, and decide whether you want to continue the program. I’m sure you’ll find great benefits as we did!
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