How often do you go skiing? I know that if you’re a person of color, it might not be all that often, but I want us to change the dialogue around that. Yes, now. We’ve been skiing often over the years, but I’ve never taken the time to write about it because I took for granted that everyone knew how to go about doing things like this, or, like me, they were stubborn enough to research their way through. Well, that’s not the case, and now I want to make it one with the help of a partnership through Chestnut Mountain Resort in Galena, Illinios.

We were invited to the resort for a chance to hit the slopes freely and check out what they offered in the way of winter activities on the slopes, and there are quite a few! Thanks to Chestnut Mountain for the invitation, and if you’re in Galena, Illinois or the surrounding area, make sure to check them out!
10 Reasons to Ski With Family

Chestnut Mountain Skiing – 10 Reasons to Go
Family time – skiing is a great way to get EVERYONE out of the house and somewhere else. For us, the kids were on the slopes while we were perched on top of a hill taking photos of them. Mr. Houseful and I weren’t feeling too adventurous this time around, so we cheered the kids on as the skied down the slopes and came back up. It was interesting to see the perseverance of the two youngest Nicholes as they got the hang of balancing on the skiis.
Great Winter Activity – Talk about taking advantage of the weather for something, right?! Winter often keeps people in their homes, but nothing NEEDS snow more than skiing and snowboarding. I didn’t realize how much heavy snowfall invigorates people until we were on the slopes the weekend they were expecting 8 inches of snow!
Skiing Is a GREAT Winter Vacation Option – c’mon. How often do you get to take advantage of winter weather AND vacation time. After a long day of skiing, you can gather in the ski lodge with hot chocolate and other warm foods and recap your time on the slopes.
It’s another out of your comfort zone activity – If you’ve been looking to stretch your wings, skiing might be the answer. With so many options of activity for the spring, summer, and fall, it’s nice to be able to find something to do during the winter AND learn a new skill.
Meet new people – We met so many other families from being on the slopes for a day, and it was nice to be able to chat with other parents watching their children take on the fresh powder during the day.
EXERCISE – When I think of running for long distances, I quickly become uninspired. However, doing a fun activity like skiing would definitely trick my brain into burning some good energy!
Seeing the teens in your life enjoy themselves – The elusive teen (Nathaniel to you newbies) joined us for this trip, and he had a smile on his face the entire time, save for this model shot that I took. He even spent HOURS with his siblings making sure they were okay up and down the slopes. It was nice to see, and warmed my heart.
Explore Nature – I mean, if you’re going to immerse yourself in the great outdoors, why not do it flying down a hill covered in fresh powder? Adrenaline junkies to newbies will find a slope that fits their level of excitement.
Chestnut Mountain Resort – A resort in Galena, Illinois that gives you the feel of being in a far off place, instead of three hours from home. No need to board a plane to get to winter fun, it’s just a drive away.

Apres Ski – After all is said and done, the AFTER of skiing is what’s up! What a great way to catch up and connect with all of the people who were on the slopes with you all day. Gathering around a cozy fire and enjoying treats is a great way to end the day.
Chestnut Mountain Resort is an all-year resort that we happened to visit in June last year for their summer activities but came back to again this winter to check out the slopes. It’s so amazing to me to see those same hills covered in perfect powder and seeing my children glide down with glee.
You can definitely find some deals for Chestnut Mountain Resort, and we loved that there were so many options for families as large as ours. If you are looking to limit the cost of your ski trip, you can always look into renting or purchasing gently used equipment.
Tell me, have you gone skiing recently? What do you love about it? What do you wish you knew more about? We’re hoping to head back before the season is over – maybe just the Mr. and me for a private lesson. We’ll see.
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