Meaning, my house is full of unfinished holiday projects, and the promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas parties on the horizon.
Speaking of which, can you believe that Thanksgiving is NEXT. WEEK?! Like, next Thursday. I haven’t even created my shopping list just yet, only a menu, which, by the way looks and sounds fabulous!
On our menu is:
Short Ribs
BBQ Turkey Legs
Baked Chicken Quarters
Candied Yams
Acorn Squash with Garlic Butter Sauce
Brussel Sprouts w/Apples and Bacon
Macaroni & Cheese
Green Beans & Potatoes (maybe green bean casserole)
and Chitterlings (let’s not act crazy about this please, it’s a fave of my son and husband)
Homemade Cranberry Sauce
Pumpkin Pie
Pound Cake
Red Velvet Cake
Hawaiian Salad
Various drinks
I think that about covers everything. What are you all making for Thanksgiving? It absolutely is my most favorite cooking holiday. EVAH!
I have also been thread deep in sewing orders that I have been blessed to receive.
Two of the HUGE diaper bags (which I’m now thinking about making for myself – without the diapers) and several of the wristlets from my Houseful Of Stitches Etsy shop! I’m so happy that people love my sewing capabilities, but I can honestly say that I can’t wait until I can draft my own patterns! Hopefully next year!
This bag has a lot of components in it that confused many people on the internet. However, I think that I’m weird because I had issues with the easier instructions and not the harder ones with no photos. As a matter of fact, I think that I am indeed weird.
Here are closeups of the process:
Those may or may not be my feet in this photo. For those of you with foot issues like a certain someone that lives with me, I apologize in advance.
The ever problematic cell phone pocket. The darting was fine for me, and my Galaxy SIII fits perfectly in there.
I also made a couple of dresses for some teachers that work at the school that the cellist attends and that’s about it.
I’m LOVING the fact that Christmas music is playing as well, as I cut and sew away. It really helps me get into the mood of giving.
This year, I promised to give handmade to several people and I’m working on those gifts as well. I can’t post them just yet, so I will when I send them off and the holidays come around.
Are you all doing anything special now? Share below!
That knock you hear at the door on Thanksgiving Day will be me. Oh. My. Word.
Come on through! We’d love to have you!!!
Girl, sounds like you are cooking for an army! How many guests are you expecting?