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It’s hard to believe that this year I will be attending BlogHer in San Jose, my third BlogHer conference ever. I started this blog in 2010 when I learned that I was going to be bringing twins into this world and never thought that it would turn into my profession. My passion. My job. My first Blogher conference was in New York in 2012, and the next one that I attended was in my own awesome city of Chicago last year. This year, I’ll be jetsetting to San Jose, California for their 10th annual conference for bloggers from all walks of life. Since I’m coming from Chicago, so many people have asked me why I’m going and here are my reasons.
First of all, I’m speaking. Last year, I had the pleasure of being a volunteer AND a model in their fashion show, and my tribe grew immensely. I was very alone the first year that I went, and the conference was a bit overwhelming. I figure if it got that much better the second time around, then the third time should be gravy! I mean, the panel that I will be speaking on is full of some heavy hitters, and I’m humbled to be in the mix. I’ll be discussing the evolution of this thing called Mommy Blogging, and would LOVE to see some of my city bloggy friends in the room! I consider myself to know a little something about the internet and my space in it, but if I’m not your cup of tea, I’m sure that one of the more famous bloggers like Jenny from The Bloggess may tickle your fancy.
Second, I’ve never been to California, and the fact that we’re back for BlogHer in San Jose is not lost on me. It’s where it was born!
Third, the BlogHer community has been VERY good to me over the past year. I’ve made connections from the Chicago conference, and learned how to work my blog as a business the PROPER way. I was also able to show Mr. Houseful how much the community means to so many people. We’re not just a bunch of chatty women getting together just for the heck of it. We’re decision makers, and wage earners. We are the voice of so much, and we drive sales. What we say is important, and LEARNING how to say it to make a career from it is one of the many things that can be learned, or discussed at a BlogHer conference. The expo hall is also a place to connect with those brands that you chat with on Twitter and are just itching to see in person. It’s a great starting point to learn about
I highly suggest that my Chicago folk get a hold of a ticket ASAP. Sales have been capped at 2,500 tickets, and this level of intimacy is sure to create even tighter bonds and better learning atmospheres. There is a limited time 25% discount available for full conference pass, and you should grab yours quick!
If that’s not enough, the lineup of keynote speakers is jawdropping. If you’re a Scandal fan, Kerry Washington will be in the mix, as will Arianna Huffington. Last year we were with keynotes Guy Kawasaki, and even had Queen Latifah who hosted the Voices of the Year awards. It’s amazing that we’ll get to walk among celebrities while still being recognized among bloggers ourselves. I can even call myself a veteran, but still be new enough in the blogging community to learn a thing or two!
I plan on enjoying being in California for the first time, soaking up all the rays, and blogging education that I can get, and then passing it on, because that’s how we do in the BlogHer community.
Woo hoo!! Can’t wait to see you there sis. I’ve never been to Cali either. I will be front and center at your session!!
Have fun! It will be a blast!