With this particular handbag.
Image From Amy Butlers Style Stitches Book
I love it so much, that I decided to whip one up for myself this weekend.
It took in total seven full hours. Yes, you read that right. From cutting the fabric and interfacing and pinning and sewing, SEVEN. FULL. HOURS. I went to bed at five in the morning, because I became engrossed in sewing it, and realizing the construction of it was so simple, yet so intricate.
I’m not being paid to say this but I do want to gush over Amy Butler for a bit. The reason that I like her style so much is the fact that her fabrics are a bit out of the ordinary (mind you, I don’t like them all, but they do catch my eye) and her bags are so deliciously feminine.
There are two more bags that I want to make from this particular book before I have to return it to the library, but I did score a free PDF file for the bag above if you do want to try it out. It’s available at Sew Mama Sew and you will need to follow the instructions closely. Now, this is my first time sewing a purse of this nature. I did do the clutch earlier this year, but this purse is a little more stable. It has a lot of room and the only thing that I would change about it is adding a pocket for my cell phone on one of the main panels.
Here is an interior photo shot:
~Make It A Fantastic Day
You did a great job, but I can’t say I expected anything less.
Thank you!
you are gifted small friend, gifted.
Well thank you large friend, thank you.
Um this is amazing! You and Dana and company have inspired me so much about getting my sewing game together, that I purchased a groupon today for a 2 hour beginners sewing instruction for $2. I wanna make stuff!! :bigeyes:
So I can then not spend so much time on facebook and spend time looking fabulous. 🙂
Oooh! Yay sewing classes. That is still on my list of things to do this year. I would like to know some of the tips and tricks that one can’t teach themselves. Check back and let me know how you like it! Where are you taking it?
that is…15 bucks not 2. LOL
Sisterfriend, this is AMAZING!!! You are working it hunny
Well shucks! Thanks ma’am!