I’m well aware that I have a blog post with this title already, and I’m pretty sure that I will have many more. However, this one is actually a pretty upbeat post. Yes, I’m starting with a photo from when I was around nine or ten years of age. I find it hilarious and a little depressing all in one emotional combo.
If you can’t tell, that’s me on the left and my little sister (and only one) on the right. My mom got a kick out of dressing us alike. I think that she caused us to have some MAJOR issues growing up because Jessica continued to take my stuff so she could dress like me. It was annoying at the time, but boy I would give anything to have her come to my house and swipe something of mine, only for me to realize it when I see her wearing it.
You see, today was a great day. I had an event that I needed to go and cover (you’ll read about it later today) and I was given the chance to take two of my girlfriends. Well, my bestie lives in Florida, and well, my sister is no longer on this earth. I know for a fact that she would have jumped at the chance to go and explore a part of the city, or in this case, Macy’s that she hadn’t seen or had the chance to see before.
I often sit and imagine the types of conversations we would have in certain situations. Today’s would have been us giggling like we were back in high school. Literally. Walking through the departments and reveling in the fact that we were OUT and I didn’t particularly have a time to be back at home.
I miss her. I miss her laugh. I miss being able to tell her secrets and know that she would keep them, no matter HOW mad she got with me. I miss her calling and confiding in me about things. I miss her gentle nature. She was SO calm with people, no matter how horrible they were to her. Myself included.
What I miss the most about her is her ease of forgiveness. It’s something that I have been struggling with, and the more days I’m blessed to see, and the more that I am blessed, I realize that I now have a charge of being the best that I can be. That includes being LONGSUFFERING (blech!) and patient, and just more like Christ in general.
I miss us being those two girls in the picture up top. Dressed alike, and full of hope and dreams, and not a single care in the world. Fighting one minute and plotting against our two brothers the next.
I miss her. I hope that if she is aware of me, that she realizes how awesome I think she is, and how I hope that I’m still someone that she can be proud of.
~Make It A Fantastic Day
This is a very beautiful post. You are very lucky to have had a sister close in age to you that you could share life with, even if only for a little while. My sister is much older than me (old enough to be my mother actually) so I never had that type of experience or bonding. But I have seen it with others, and you’re right–it’s a very wonderful thing. I know that she is smiling down on you right now. She will always be with you in spirit.
I love that you honor her in so many ways.
What a beautiful legacy she leaves behind! We all want to be remembered fondly and you’ve done her justice. I have no brothers or sisters but I’ve lost my beloved mom so I feel you.