Hello there, I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going on around these parts, and it seems that the hosts of Social Fabric are up to some good in blog land. They have been offering those of use who are a part of their community bloggy scholarships to attend their #SoFabCon14 conference is a couple of months.
I would like to be one of those bloggers.
So today I present to you:
My SoFab Life:
(yes, I’m hosting it, sometimes you just have to create your OWN fabulous dedication blog post, of course with a little Chicago flair)
Social Fabric has helped me over these years, bring better quality postings to you. Even if I am not participating in a sponsored campaign, I’m always thinking of ways to bring you all the types of posts and conversation that I know you will enjoy.
Whether its crafts, education, activism, recipes, or the joy and pain of being a mom, wife, sister, or child; knowing that you all are on the other side of the blog reading away, makes me strive to do better. Social Fabric helps with that. They cover all of those subjects and more!
For example, remember this post that I did with a pot, and some paint pens? Now, the project came out beautifully, but I had NO idea how to capture it in photography properly.
Now they look more like this, which not only looks better but makes you hungry and ready for some FOOTBALL!
We’re learning over here!
Social Fabric is also all about making sure that Mr. Houseful and I keep that romantic spark going, and encourage YOU to do so as well. You don’t remember it, huh? Check THIS out. That’s grape juice by the way because wine at 11 in the morning is a no-no – possibly.
I’ve been able to share with you amazing grocery stores and their products:
Essentially, Social Fabric has every aspect of your home life covered. Food, health, and love life.
Do you need more reasons? How about the educational portion? Social Fabric LOVES supporting education and those who educate, as well as encouraging children to WANT to be educated.
When they joined forces with Elmer’s, we were able to share our love of reading AND support our teachers. Do you remember those posts? They were a LONG time ago! Oh, who am I kidding, I’m going to share them with you!
Social Fabric is also great if you want to hobnob with the stars. And by stars, I mean, my oldest girl, and having a great time at the Naperville Rib Fest. She was four at the time and had no problem putting the ribs back all day long. She also introduced me to Mr. Ty Pennington, who was there representing Sears and showing us how to embrace that #GrillingIsHappiness.
These aren’t all of the campaigns that I have worked on in the last three years that I have been a part of their network, but it was some of the more awesome ones. I honestly do love that I can see an evolution in my work, and the reality that they are a part of the reason that it has become so. I am happy to say that I feel as if I am a better storyteller because of the campaigns that I have been blessed enough to be a part of. That my work is appreciated and that I get to have FUN while doing so.
So, this is my SoFab life, and I’d like to continue to have one. One that allows me to share my very unique sense of humor, and style and life with you all. Bring you all my sense of sunshine and sass. My ability to carry three different bags around is also a quality characteristic that is necessary for conferences. How else will I be able to hold everything that I learn? Because we ALL know it will be that much info!
So, fingers crossed that I get one of those golden tickets to SoFabland!
Plus you want me to be your tweeting champion. I rock at it, and I have proof. Sticky notes are like contracts.
Disclosure: This is my entry for the #SoFabCon14 #CollectiveBias and is also a part of their #LuvSoFab
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