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Full Of Words Wednesday: Dandelion Blowin’


What is it about dandelions in their seed form that delights children so much? I must admit that the fluffy heads of these weeds really do evoke great memories for me. I remember always wanting to pick them and blow the seeds away anytime I could. And I could never understand why so many adults hated them. To be honest, I still don’t see it.

Sure, they’re weeds, but they are so awesome, and with just a gentle puff of air, they are released into the wind to find their way into soft dirt to begin anew as a yellow crowned plant.

The transformation from yellowing flower to botanical snow globe seems to happen in the blink of an eye. I’m still trying to figure out the process, and I promise that one of these days, I’m going to stop and pay more attention to these things.
Dandelion Blowing I think it’s pretty obvious who in our family takes their dandelion picking and releasing seriously. Sir Twizzler is ENTHRALLED with these things. And (un)fortunately, there are LOTS of them on our block due to so many houses being on the market. That’s a post for another day. We spent almost an entire hour walking up the block to stop by patches of grass laden with the seeds and picking and blowing them until all that was left was the stem.

This activity kept Sir Twizzler interested far past my ability to stay focused,and let me tell you, that’s quite a bit. I usually can’t get ONE picture of this kid, and I was able to snag several. I totally love how bright this day was too. Looking at this kind of makes me sad that he’s no longer a squishy baby, but I love all of what he is taking in. It’s so amazing. The look on his face here just says it all. What’s next? Blowing Dandelions

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Take a Nature Walk | Houseful Of Nicholes

Monday 2nd of May 2016

[…] Related Post: Dandelion Blowin’ […]

Ginny Marie

Wednesday 22nd of May 2013

Those pictures are priceless! Isn't it amazing that the simplest things can keep kids occupied forever? So cute!

Windy City Mama

Wednesday 22nd of May 2013

We found a dandelion gold mine the other day on our walk. V is getting the hang of it. I thought she was going to burst a blood vessel her first few tries.

Love it.

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