Generally when asking a father about Father’s Day, you’ll solicit answers about how he’s a protector and a provider, or how he’s honored to represent “Dads” and not “donors”. Although these may all be true, it’s become cliché. Instead I’d like to talk about the little things that make being a father special.
Little things is a bit of a misnomer; because they’re more like large, memorable moments. Like, whenever my daughter has to go #2, she makes me sit with her and sing happy birthday to everything from feet to turning the light off (yes it’s disturbing, but I think that’s what makes it endearing). Or, when my wife is in an especially informative, storytelling mood, how my son and I have developed little looks that we pass each other… like our own inside joke (please don’t tell my wife). The way the house can quiet in an instance when I’m in an irritable mood and give a voice rumbling “Stop It!!!” It’s falling asleep with the twins in my arms. It’s holding the both of them during Sunday service. It’s watching an animated film with my son and being able to find the same scene hilarious. It’s walking in the door after a hard days work and being disregarded as I walk into the room. I know that last one sounds weird, and, I can’t say that it always feels good, but it’s something refreshing knowing that the entire house is so comfortable that my presence doesn’t disrupt them in the least. I, in a way, feel good when they feel good.
As I said, it’s the little things that makes being a father… being a father. In the end, these are the memories that will make me feel up when I get down. These are the moments that will make me smile in one of my quiet moments. It’s the “little things” that ultimately make Father’s Day special. So to all the dad’s out there from all of us here at the Houseful of Nicholes, Have a very, very happy, wonderful, absolutely fantastic Father’s Day!!!
Thank you for posting, Mr. Nicholes! Awfully kind of you to do a guest post for your wife. What a great hubby and dad! Have a great Father's Day!
Awesome post! Happy (belated) Fathers Day to my favorite "old man in a young man's body cross country chaffuer/road dog"! Hoody Hoo! 🙂
Yay, Papa Nicholes. I hope you guest blog from time to time.
Oh what a lovely post! I love that you like being 'disregarded' as you put it when you walk in the door! It's like you've never been away – so comfortable with your family! That's fantastic! thanks for sharing!
Just stopped by from a Wednesday blog hop. I’m following you now and hope you’ll stop by my blog sometime too! Have a lovely week.
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Hi just calling by whilst blog hopping.Thank you for your wonderful post. You are doing a great job as a father. Keep it up.Be sure to check out my Autism Awareness Wednesday Blog hop. Sarah
great post! you have a wonderful blog! I am visiting from the hop! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would follow me back! thanks so much!
Great post. Made me smile to think that there's someone out there who does appreciate the little things…
My awesomely amazing cousin, you have eloquently captured the essence of fatherhood! I know we don't talk or see each other that often, but I am a fan! The wife and I are always saying how much we want to hang out, because you two are awesome! Well, I believe you have found a place in the " blogosphere". Keep up the good work, it looks good on you!