If you know my children, you will know that they love their clothes. Seriously. I have four fashion forward kids living in my house. That’s why I loved when The Children’s Place contacted me to come and preview their Back To School Fashions a little bit ago. I’m embarrassed to say that we looked more at things that were fully for fall, and that has worked out in our favor.
The ladybug up there is modeling one of her favorite striped skirts paired with a dark blue cardigan and a white camisole. This was her “grown up pose” so we know where this is heading right?
I’ve loved The Children’s Place since the cellist was a little one (although I couldn’t always splurge like I am able to now) for the mere fact that their children’s fashions were age appropriate. I LOVED the argyle sweaters, and newsboy hats that they offered.
Well, now they are at it again with fashions for Fall, and I’m here for it!
I don’t think that I’m ready for all of the sassiness that the ladybug will bring with great clothes like this. However, that white lace tutu skirt above is calling her name! I’m also finding it quite interesting that I am being pulled towards the animal prints that are so popular this season. I figure we’ll do focus pieces and work from there. Hello fringe boots!
For Lil Miss, I love this fashion board put together by The Children’s Place:
First thing first, I honestly wish that her head wasn’t in the 90th percentile for kids her age, because I could SO see her in that pink beanie above. Otherwise, I LOVE the fact that she isn’t even ON the curve (be easy people, none of my children were) for height because everything fits so wonderfully. I love seeing her in jeans especially because her little frame is SO compact, yet her actions are so BIG. And let’s not talk about the pink coat that I’m pretty sure will be coming home with us this season.
Last but not least is a look book for Sir Twizzler:
Listen here. There is nothing that I love more than to see my little man in a pair of super dark jeans, great oxfords, and a polo. NOTHING. And that little doggy backpack. We picked one of those up as well, because he attempts to grab a purse whenever we go out, and it breaks into WWIII between him and his older sisters. This way, he can have his own bag to put all of his toddler finds in, and everyone is happy.
So, what do you look forward to for the Fall seasons? The colors, the clothing (layering is a FAVE here) the crisp air? Share below!
I’m definitely looking forward to cooler weather and being able to layer clothing. I live for a good sweater. When it comes to clothing for the kids, The Children’s Place is the route to go. They have reasonable prices and their clearance is almost as good as Target’s! Plus, the quality is superb. Moo’s pants really take a beating in the knees and her jeans from TCP last longer than other brands.
YES! The Children’s Place is definitely great on the pocket, and the styles are so great! I love their jeans the most for my children. They last through hand me downs and don’t show worse for wear.