Many thanks to prAna for partnering with us to bring you this content
I like comfort. I mean, as soon as I get through my front door, I’m disrobing, and my children have fallen into that habit as well. Have you ever spent all day in clothes and just couldn’t wait to get home to remove them because they just didn’t make you comfortable? I know that I’m a special case, because I’d prefer to stay in knit all day, but I may have found a way to combat the GOTTA GET THESE CLOTHES OFF wiggles for at least an hour after I get home. It’s because of the clothing company prAna – which has clothes for both men and women. Prana is a fair trade company, and I love it because I know that the people making my clothes are getting a fair wage for them – something that ANYONE who sews knows it’s hard to do. I actually have quite a few pieces of fair trade clothing from prAna, but today, I’m talking about these jeans and this sweater that I’m wearing.
First off, you can not go wrong with a dark blue jean. These have the perfect stretch, and they are so soft. I do recommend running them through your wash several times otherwise your undies might end up blue. Ask me how I know. However, the mobility that I had in these while bending down to pick up those leaves for this shot was pretty sweet. My dear sweet husband, Mr. Houseful even took a picture of me and my backside and there was no gap! HOORAY! And yes, I’m going to show you.
Given that today is Cyber Monday, it’s the PERFECT time for you to gift yourself, or your spouse, or your mom, or your dad, or your favorite person ever. Just do it. Because it feels good. Gifting is a great endorphin booster. I promise you. Although I’m not a doctor, so don’t take this as medical advice. I DO know that being able to frolic in the forest preserve while my husband took photos of me, in comfortable clothes, was nice. It was also a great day for it, as Chicago has been seeing close to 60 degrees lately. Yeah. That’s going to be AWESOME for my garden next year. /sarcasm. Anyway, you can use a special code for my readers only – CMHN17 – to get 15% off your prAna gear. Or the prAna gear that you’re going to buy for yourself AND someone else. Remember, endorphin production is important people!
If you’re interested in exactly what items I’m wearing, they are *drumroll please*
Kara Jean in Indigo and the Aya Sweater in Auburn.
I’m a size 10 in jeans and a large (thanks to the chesticles and broad shoulders) in their tops. I do find their sizing helper GREAT in these cases. It lets you know which size you should get in every item, because as we know, depending on the material or cut of something, a person’s size can change.
One of the things that I love most about prAna is their commitment to giving back. Especially to those individuals who help produce the quality clothing that they sell. I’m all about giving back first in your neighborhood, and then to neighbors far and wide. You know that we have the community garden under We Sow, We Grow and we’re still moving forward with planting seeds and growing the community and the entire movement. We also still partner in little ways with Habitat for Humanity – although not nearly as much as we used to because life, and life.
How do YOU give back? Let me know below, and know that with every purchase today, you’ll rest assured knowing that you’re giving to a GREAT company, and they are making sure that those dollars stretch.
I have a prAna outfit and I tell you, it is so comfortable. I just about have worn the shirt out! I bet your jeans are comfy!
I’m always looking for a great pair of jeans with the right amount of stretch! I usually disrobe as SOON as I get home because clothes are just uncomfortable! LOL I’ll have to check them out.
I’ve heard great things about Prana. Didn’t realize they have clothes behind workout gear. Definitely checking them out.
Jeans with no gap at the waist? Look. I need that in my life. I have turned a few car seats blue too, so I know bout that several wash life. Love the whole outfit and fair trade makes it even better!
I have a prAna workout outfit and it is super comfy. I also wear them as my airport gear too thats how comfy they are.
I’ve never worn PRana but it’s sounds amazing. The minute I get home the first thing I want off is my clothes.
I love this look! Those jeans look so comfy and the colors on the sweater are beautiful. I’ve never worn this brand before but I’m definitely considering giving them a try.
I love Prana gear. I have a workout set by them and was so happy with the quality and that it’s ecofriendly.
I love your look! Super cute and comfy! I will have to check them out! Thanks for sharing
You look great on them and they look very confy too.You are defenitly rocking this outfit with your confidence.;)
You look so cute and comfy! Love the colors!
I’ve never tried this brand but these jeans look comfy. I give back to my church and local school organizations.