Coco was a movie that my family and I watched a little after it came out and enjoyed more than we anticipated. The colors. The imagery. The storyline. I’m not sure why I was so surprised to see the way that I reacted inside the movie theater at an animated film. Today is a good day because I can now cry in the comfort of my own home without fearing that someone will hear the snorts. It’s that beautiful y’all.
The movie is a peek inside the life of Miguel, who is a child obsessed with music after his great-great grandmother banishes music of all kinds when her husband leaves to play with a band and never comes back. She then starts a shoe-making business and it becomes the family thing.
And if you think that is the gist of the movie, then you would be wrong. This movie is all about determination, realization and forgiveness that so many families have dealt with. It doesn’t use Dia de los Muertos as a prop, but as a vehicle to tell this beautiful story and have you enamored the entire duration of the film.
By the time that the final credit rolls, you will have an appreciation for another culture AND the issues that families go through in order to heal old wounds.
We enjoyed being able to catch it real time, but now that the film is out on Blu-ray we can watch it and the bonus features until we’ve memorized it in only a way that Disney can pull from you.
The bonus features are a way to get a peek into the process and inspirations behind the movie, and to be able to take the time to move through it so that you can enjoy every aspect.
If you’re wondering what the special features are – here you go:
BONUS FEATURES Blu-ray & Digital:
DeletedSceneswithIntroductions–DirectorLeeUnkrichandco-directorAdrianMolinatalkaboutthedeleted scenes and the part they played in the development of “Coco.”
DíadelosMuertos–Inthismusicalextravaganza,thecolorsandexcitementofDíadelosMuertos come to life as we meet superstar Ernesto de la Cruz.
TheWayoftheRiveras–AmusicalnumberinwhichAbuelitaandMiguelpreparetheirDíadelos Muertos celebration while she teaches him Rivera family history and traditions.
CelebrityTour–Héctor,aLandoftheDeadtourbusguide,agreestohelpMiguel,revealedtobea living boy, on his quest to find de la Cruz.
TheBusEscape–TheRiverafamilycatchesuptoMiguelandHéctorandattemptstohalttheirmission to find de la Cruz.
TheFamilyFix–AfterdelaCruzrevealshistruecolors,theRiverafamilyputstheirdismayaside and comes together to repair the smashed guitar needed to send Miguel home.
TotheBridge–AstheLandoftheDeadcountsdowntotheendofDíadelosMuertos,Migueland de la Cruz come head-to-head on the marigold bridge.
FilmmakerCommentary–PresentedbyLeeUnkrich(director),AdrianMolina(co-director)andDarlaK. Anderson (producer).
TheMusicof“Coco”–CollaboratingwithmusiciansofMexicoandsomeuniqueinstrumentation,thisdocumentary explores the beautiful fusion of music essential to the story of “Coco.”
WelcometotheFiesta–AmusicalexplorationoftheskeletonsthatmaketheLandoftheDeadin“Coco”so wondrous and intriguing.
HowtoDrawaSkeleton–PixarartistDanielArriagagivesalessononthequickandeasywaytodrawskeletons using simple shapes.
AThousandPicturesaDay–Jointhe“Coco”crewonanimmersivetraveloguethroughMexico,visitingfamilies, artisans, cemeteries, and small villages during the Día de los Muertos holiday.
MiFamilia–DevelopingtheRiveraswasalaboroflovethattookthecastandcrewonadeepdiveintothe meaning of family.
LandofOurAncestors–WatchPixarartistslovinglyconstructlayeruponlayerofarchitecturefrommany eras of Mexican history, bringing the Land of the Dead to life.
TheRealGuitar themajesticguitarthatspursMiguelonhisjourneythroughtheLandoftheDeadisauniquecreation.WatchasitisinitiallydesignedbyaPixarartistandultimatelyrealizedasareal instrument by a master luthier in this poetic ode to craftsmanship.
HowtoMakePapelPicado–JoinPixarartistAnaRamírezGonzálezaswelearnhowpapelpicadoismade traditionally, and then try your own approach to this beautiful art form.
Un Poco “Coco” – A montage of original animated pieces used to promote “Coco.”
“Coco Trailers” – Trailers include “Feeling,” “Dante’s Lunch,” “Destiny,” “Journey” and “Belong.”
You can pick up Coco on Blu-ray TODAY and enjoy it just like we have been!