I am now realizing that I was so excited about the entire trip that I did not take several pictures. Hopefully these photos from Andrea Ellen Reed Photography will do the trick.
Day two started early in the morning. Mrs. Houseful doesn’t do well with early mornings, but waking up was easy since I hadn’t slept way anyway. I actually missed Mr. Houseful’s snores, and the ladybug coming and sneaking into bed with me in the middle of the night. Absolutely outlandish, right?
Today, we were to go on a tour of General Mills and learn all about photography for our blogs. Full day ahead!
Our first stop was breakfast, which was moved to the General Mills cafeteria because of the heavy rain that Minneapolis was experiencing at the time. It was beautiful (I happen to LOVE thunderstorms,) and I enjoyed watching the storm and rain through the huge windows of the cafeteria.
Can you see how dark the windows look? That’s from the storm that rolled in and caused many a plane delay for a lot of the other coordinators. It was awesome!
After breakfast we went on a tour of the World Headquarters. One could honestly live there. Salon, Credit Union, Convenience Store, Daycare Center, Dinner Service, etc. This truly is an amazing company.
We were also able to check out sessions on lifestyle and food photography (I have already mandated that Mr. Houseful save up his duckets for a DSLR for me) with very talented photographers and food stagers.
As you can see, our lead in the photography lesson was really into his craft. Honestly, he kept us so enthralled, that the entire session seemed to speed by. Heretofore, he shall be known as “Get Low, Joe” in homage to the position that he usually gets in to get the best photos. It’s epic, yo!
This was our session of food photography. Hopefully what I learned will allow me to present better photos on the blog, until then, you have to suffer with my feeble attempt to show you what I’ve cooked at any point in time. 🙂
Later that day we got to rub elbows with some very important people. Meet Sprout, Pillsbury Doughboy and Mr. Hand (from Hamburger Helper) So much fun!
We Betty-ed ourselves! Yours truly, Keonte from Mommy2K and Tara from The Young Mommy Life.
This is how you throw a party! I learned so much while on my visit to the headquarters, and by this time was looking forward to what was in store for us on the official day for National Box Tops University.
Here’s my reminder for you to clip those Box Tops and send them in to the school that you support. If you need one, I’m always open to donations!
~Make It A Fantastic Day
Love the photo of you and the ladies with the picture frame!!
So, did you poke the Pillsbury Doughboy? I sooooo would have done it to here him giggle!
I did not poke the Doughboy, but I will not lie and say the thought didn’t enter my mind. However, I’m sure that he got lots of unwanted touching, so I refrained. 🙂
I haven’t seen Sprout in years – hey sprout…
Sprout didn’t speak back, unfortunately.