I was compensated by CTCMathnofollow to write this review, all opinions are my own
2 years ago, I admitted that I was not a math teacher. Today, I’m letting you know that I am INDEED a math teacher, and it’s all because of our continued use of CTCMath for homeschool. Math lessons have gotten a lot less tense around these parts, and it’s because of the fantastic user experience and interface that CTCMath gives to both students and their parents.
After using this program for two years, I can say that it has kept us on task, and we can have lessons anywhere without excuse because it’s all online and set up for the easiest use by parents.
The real winning factor though? The fact that you can put your students in the proper classes for them and curate their tasks, lessons, and tests to their learning level. And for those of us with children who are doing child-led tasks, it’s a good way to keep up with them and make SURE they complete their work. We have Sir Twizler to thank for keeping us in the know with this feature.
CTCMath Curriculum Cost
Let’s go ahead and get the general questions out of the way. A single membership of CTCMath is currently $14.97 per month or a little under $99 for the year. A family membership is $19.97 per month or a little under $150 per year. As of now, this is reflective of a 50% discount, so I’d hop on that right away if you’re reading this after the giveaway ends. Those prices pop up to $29.97/$197 per student or $39.97/$297 per family. You really can’t beat either price, but it’s so much sweeter at 50while learning % off.

3 Things We Love About CTCMath
K-12 curriculum
The entire site has you covered for math from kindergarten to senior year of high school. I can still use it in conjunction with workbooks and worksheets, but the progressive curriculum encourages your children to build on math skills while learning new information.
Student Tailored Dashboards
When you have more than one child, sometimes it can be difficult to keep up with their assignments and the dates that things are due. Listen, I have four children and I have trouble keeping up with both their items and mine. Being a homeschooler doesn’t make me any more organized than someone else, but using CTCMath does! At least when it comes to math. I can assign as little or as many assignments and tests as my children’s progress dictate, and that also allows us to see where they may be struggling or excelling.
The lessons are bite-sized and you can stop and rewind as you need to.
Reports Created For You
For those of you in states which require check-ins with homeschooling, CTCMath has an option for report creation and thus solving one more issue for us!
As a refresher, here’s what we shared about CTCMath earlier:
Setting Up CTCMath

The parent portal for CTCMath is easy to follow. Going to the parent user guide will give you six videos that will take you from setup of student to creating tasks and reports for your students. It’s a great visual, and I appreciate a curriculum that makes me feel like I’m in complete control of our lessons and learning. No more searching for lesson plans that I left on the kitchen table and accidentally spilled dinner all over – don’t look at me like that – you may have done it too in your earlier years of homeschool.
Adding tasks allows me to create their lesson plans for the week or month, and not have to worry about them if I do travel out of town for a press junket, or farm tour. While I am a stay at home mom, I do work from home and out of it, and need to know that anyone else in charge of my children will be able to at least get them done with lessons for the day.
CTCMath is a progressive curriculum
My greatest fear with teaching math was not going in an order that the kids would understand. I love the fact that CTCMath is taught with a video lesson, and problems to make sure the students have mastered each level. The lessons don’t disappear after they’ve been completed. If you feel that your student needs to try again – or in the case of Lil Miss – THEY feel that they need to try again, you can go back through to redo your work. After completing each lesson, it shows up on the parent dashboard as completed. It took us a while to grasp that, and I may have told children that they hadn’t completed work when they had indeed just tested out of the lessons. I told you folks that I’m not a math teacher.
I had each child start in their age appropriate grade to do placement testing. From there we tweaked where they should be, and moved on daily from there. I can’t believe that I’m about to type these words out, but I actually have to stop them from doing too many lessons in a row. While I love the silence on most days, I don’t want them completing things too fast, and not really processing what they are learning. I did just write that didn’t I?
CTCMath Answer System
While you are working through problems from each lesson, CTCMath lets the student know immediately if they have gotten the answer right or wrong. We did run into some frustration in interpretation of answers in the measuring unit for the younger kids. Since I’m the teacher, I let them know that their answer was right, as long as they were able to properly explain why. However, on questions like what’s listed below, there is no way to explain out of the answer since graphing is clear and concise.

For my children, being able to get a response right away as to whether their answer was wrong or not, allowed them to move forward with confidence, instead of being afraid to see their answer sheet at the end of the comprehensive exam.

We’re happy to have found a curriculum that we’ve stayed the course with. One that all three kids have excelled in, and has made me feel like a rockstar homeschooler who actually resembles all the compliments thrown her way by other parents.
So, tell me what you look for in a math curriculum, and if you’ve tried CTCMath before, let me know how you like it.
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