Ever since coming into this blogging world, I have been aware of lots of amazingness, never expecting to meet the source. Listen to Your Mother is one of those amazing things, and Ann Imig is the source of this creation. Through her, cities all over the United States stories of motherhood from varying points of view, and support each other through laughter, crying, and nods of understanding.
The producers of the Listen to Your Mother Chicago are looking for YOUR stories about motherhood. Whether it’s stories of your mom, a friend’s mom, your dad’s mom or even YOU as a mom. You don’t have to even be a mom in order to participate. How righteous is that? Here are the rules if you’re thinking about it, and get those typing fingers ready because you have until 11:59 pm THIS Friday to submit your piece. You can do it. I believe in you.
No, really, I do.
What story has been sitting in your soul begging to be told for ages? What stories have you told to everyone that you know, but would love to tell again to an even BIGGER audience? What stories do you want to share because they are so amazing to you? What stories make you tear up every time you think about them? Tell those. They need to be heard. We want to hear them.
While I do appreciate you reading to the end, I do want you to be able to have enough time to write your amazing piece out. Make sure that it’s 3 to 5 minutes long (no longer, no shorter) and that it’s an original piece by YOU. You can have published it elsewhere, but it just needs to be your own work.
If you don’t feel like participating in this manner, there are other ways you can support. You can pass this blog post on to someone who you think will be a great cast member. You can also purchase a ticket for the show, Sunday May 1 at 2:00pm, at the Athenaeum Theatre. Don’t miss it!