(I’m so going to order one of these banners for next school year.)
While Regional Box Tops University is AWESOME it doesn’t hold a candle to what happens at National Box Tops University, but it does provide those coordinators who aren’t able to travel for that amount of time, an insight about all the great new things that will be happening for the new school year.
For example, Walmart will begin their Back To School promotion in July with over 130 items sporting the much desired 4 Box Tops on them! Last year, I loaded up on these items for the rest of the school year, and scored 100 Box Tops in one shopping trip. It can definitely be done! Once July gets here, I will take you on a trip with me to a local Walmart to see how it’s done. Mine is mostly fruit snacks and Ziploc bags and the such since I’m a coordinator and send them home with students to collect their Box Tops in,
I always enjoy myself and being able to bounce ideas around with other coordinators (by the way, the coordinator that traveled the furthest came from Ohio.) Being able to also know what works for coordinators and their schools provided enough fire under me to be able to push through the summer collection efforts. I will be sharing a flyer that I’m making to send home with the children this summer, and hoping that we get at least 10% of them back with Box Tops. It can’t hurt to try, can it?
Are YOU remembering to clip? Make sure to clip throughout the summer months as well. That way, you’ll have a great collection when school starts in the fall!
While all Box Tops Universities are always free to attend, travel to this one was provided by my great husband, and not General Mills. 🙂
I would have loved to be there, Natasha! At my daughter’s school, her classmates’ parents didn’t want to participate in the contests because another parent and I always smoked the competition with the numbers we racked up!
You should become a coordinator! >hint,hint<