Hi there. I’m back. The crazy Box Tops lady.
Just peeking in to say that the Box Tops for Education program has added several new products over the last month or so, and I’m pretty darn happy.
- Wanchai Ferry® Restaurant Favorites® Frozen Dinners
- Dulce de Leche Cheerios®
- Frosted Toast Crunch™
- Multi Grain Cheerios® Peanut Butter
- Cocoa Puffs Treats® Triple Chocolate
- Ocean Spray® Fruit Snacks
- Nature Valley® Protein Bars
- Yoplait® Greek Yogurt with Granola (Blueberry, Peach, Strawberry)
- Green Giant Vegetable Steamers – the family sized bag
- Green Giant canned vegetables
The great thing is, they aren’t done! Look for other Box Tops participants to get on board just in time for back to school! I’m talking Hanes (R) underwear and t-shirts for kids and Ziploc (R) storage solutions. Perfect Portion baggies, and a new box of Sandwich/Snack bags in ONE (you’ll still get TWO Box Tops though – no worries!)
I must admit, that I am happy that the Box Tops program is looking to provide some healthier options to those of us who are as crazy fervent about collecting them for our schools!
What’s your favorite Box Tops product? Why?
And just so you know you can earn bonus box tops through store promotions – most prominently Albertson’s and Safeway stores. Meijer’s also does a promotion but closer to back to school time. Check back for your reminders. AND most of these store promotional sites, has a bonus for signing up, and for getting your friends to do the same. Get on your job!
The last friendly reminder I have is, National Box Tops University is next month! June 14-15 and it’s bound to be great! Come join us in Minneapolis, MN for tons of great fun, useful information, and even MORE chances to bring back some earnings for your school!
Love your Box Tops Post! Check this out, I work in 5 offices I was looking around and found Box Tops on the Avery Binders. Every since then, I been looking at the binders in each office that I go in. I also lpurchase more products that have two box top points. #iamcrazy
Ha! I have the teachers at the cellist’s school checking all of their Avery binders as well! I’m just trying to get them to start ordering Boise copier paper. We could rule the world then! Thanks for stopping through. Now off to your page because I see cupcakes!