Per usual, some links may be affiliate links because the Houseful is a business, and we love you supporting our business. This is a sponsored post with Sears PartsDirect
It’s June, and I’m hitting you with Lion King lyrics AND a Game of Thrones reference because I don’t want you to make the same mistakes we did with our furnace filter when the weather gets cooler – which doesn’t seem possible since it’s cold in Chicago right now, and I’m not angry.
Last year, we had a mishap with our furnace. It went out. In the dead of winter. While I love cool weather, this past winter was NOT the time for our furnace to go out. The polar vortex was in full swing, and my babies are important. We found out that the furnace wasn’t dead, but our filter was FULL and we hadn’t thought to change it since moving in several years ago. Who says home ownership doesn’t teach you amazing things. Like learning through failure and research.
Do you know what would have helped? Having the furnace filters that we needed, shipped when it was time to replace them. I have that with a printer that I own, why NOT the appliance that heats and cools my house down?

Because I care, and I don’t want you making the same mistakes that I did, I have a few tips for you.
Auto-Ship Your Filters
Sears PartsDirect will ship you your filters before you need them, and you won’t have to worry about slugging it out to your nearest home improvement store to purchase one at the 11th hour. I know that you all enjoy interacting with real people in stores, but let’s be honest. When you NEED something, it never comes at a time when you really want to be friendly. Trust me on this.
All you need to do is make sure that you know the measurements of your filters and enter them into the find a filter field on the site, and you’re all set. And don’t worry if you don’t know which numbers go where, because they SHOW you in the example on the site.
They don’t have this service for just furnaces either! They have your air conditioner, HVAC, and water filters as well. So, NO EXCUSES! Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Consider a Smart Thermostat
We have a thermostat that lets us know when it’s time to check the furnace now. Not that we listen to it >cough< BUT if that’s your thing, it helps a whole lot to know if you’re dirtying up that filter before you should be. No worries though, because your subscription from Sears PartsDirect will already have you covered.
Form a Habit
Get into the habit of checking your furnace every season. You check the oil in your car, right? A furnace filter can make or break a hot summer or very cold winter, and it’s the difference between a happy life.
Following this tip will not only save you time, but money as well. Did you know that having a mucked up furnace can cost you in the long run? Don’t flush money down the drain trying to save money. It never works out as well as you think it does in your head. Think of every cartoon or movie you’ve seen where corners are cut, and ask yourself – “Does it ever work out for them?” If the answer is yes, ask yourself THIS question “Is that movie really showing real life situations?” There.
While you’re at it, order those filters. Thank me later. Did you know Sears PartsDirect not only has subscription services for air filters, but they also have replacement parts for millions of parts for hundreds of brands? Get what you need for those household DIY projects and know you are ordering a quality replacement part.
Yes…that does help. We have everything else on autopilot why not this reminder. Food for thought
Good tip!!!!