Do you remember the first Staggered Quilt that I did a couple of years ago? I whipped it up for Mor Mor Baby for Christmas along with a Ribbon Quilt for Nana and I felt like a true quilter that year. It was 2017 and I think those two quilts were the last large-sized quilt tops that I completed since. Well, I’m back – for now, and I’m piecing up quilt tops again. The Staggered Quilt is one that comes together quickly, and I LOVE that the layout gives you so many colorways that you can work with. The next time I do this – yes there will be a next time, I’ll consider using a darker color for the negative space although all of that white just makes the color POP!
If you remember, I used a blue colorway for the very first time I did this pattern. Blueberry Park by Karen Lewis and Frosting Cloud Fabric by Timeless Treasures for the background.

This time around, I decided to use every color of the rainbow plus or minus one so I did. I chose the Dot & Stripes Jelly Roll by Robert Kaufman as my focus fabrics Vintage Holiday by Bonnie & Camille for Moda.

I have no idea what the backing is going to be, but that’s the joy of quilting. I can do all of these tops early this year and then quilt them up as gifts come fall, and I’ll be ALL ready for holiday gift giving!
I will say, it feels so good to be back in front of my sewing machine. She didn’t get a lot of love from me last year because of so much going on, but I’m becoming reacquainted with her, and hoping to make sure to sell some stuff through the year.

The rainbow colorway is one that Kitty (The Night Quilter) featured on her pattern card for this. I shied away from it for quilting for my mother because she’s not a rainbow person, more monochromatic. Mr. Houseful has already called dibs on this one, and that makes me kind of happy. I still have a quilt top to finish for my oldest daughter, and lap quilts to make for three nephews and one BRAND NEW NIECE so that they have blankets for traveling. So much goodness to come this year.

For this top, I just needed a jelly roll, and I didn’t use all of that. I also used 2.5 yards of fabric for the background. The pattern is now available on Kitty’s site for purchase and in several sizes as well!
I couldn’t quite get my seams lined up this time around, but I’ll be able to fudge it once I iron them into submission. The things that you learn while chatting with experienced quilters!

So, what are you working on? Recipes, sewing, knitting, crocheting, soap making? If you are doing something for your homestead – be it in the city or the country, share it with me, please! I love seeing all of your pretty projects.
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