For as long as I can remember, I have been a fan of the written form. Letters, cards, postcards, anything and everything that could show the recipient that they were being thought of. With the help of Hallmark, I’m able to do that for Valentine’s Day!
While I usually send Valentine’s Cards via my children, and they are usually handed off, I thought that it would be a great idea to send cards to a few of the great people in my life. It was nice to be able to go to Walmart, check out the great Hallmark Valentines cards section that they have, and pour through them while smiling, or even, possibly, maybe, holding back tears. It also gave Mr. Houseful extra time to get all of the fixings for our football snack festival that was coming up.
Hallmark Valentines Cards
The first person that immediately popped up in my mind was my brother who lives in Jersey. He’s five years younger than me but thinks he’s my dad. It’s a good thing he doesn’t read my blog either, otherwise, he wouldn’t be surprised. The card that I picked out for him is my lead-in photo and captures so much of our relationship. We’re not big on mushy, but we are not above telling each other that we love one another. I also loved the fact that the paper was red and glittery, and that he will secretly keep it because we’re all emotional like that. I do in fact have another brother, but he DOES read my blog, so he can’t see his card. I’m a big fan of great cardstock and good color. I get it in this card. And please notice how I address my home address. It’s that way because it’s true.

The next person on my list was my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Lyra. She’s been a friend of mine since our days in grade school when we were riding the school bus home. She’s known of my crushes, teachers I didn’t like, and she was there BEFORE I met Mr. Houseful. It’s been a LONG time. It’s kind of weird that we’re now married, and have kids, and we can hang out WHENEVER we want – NO CURFEW! We’re known for having our once-in-a-blue moon type moments of sappiness. This also comes around her birthday as well, so I’m calling double-duty!

Last but not least, I’m sending something to my parents. To those folks that I get my weird sense of humor from, and my complete and total stubbornness, and my drive. I have so many qualities from my parents, some of them are super unique, but that’s another post. It’s Valentine’s time! Those qualities that I am grateful for are persistence in the face of adversity. My go get it attitude. My bright ideas. My love for my family and friends, and my ability to sleep anywhere for long stretches of time at will. <–That’s specifically from my dad. It’s an art. Just trust me. And true to the form of nostalgia, the Bug’s Bunny caught me because that’s what I remember watching on Saturday mornings in our house. I also remember my dad going to Blockbuster Video (OMG) and renting Looney Tunes VHS tapes for us to watch at night before going to bed. Just dated myself, and I don’t care.

You also need to make sure that you have awesome stamps to go along with the fabulosity that you are sending. My love affair with stamps actually started in grade school WITH my best friend and a special edition of Circus stamps that the Post Office came out with. To be honest, we were both kind of tired of the boring flag that we kept putting on the envelope (which is ironic since we’ve both served in the Navy) but we were 12 and 13 – so sue us. It wasn’t FABULOUS enough for our liking. Thus, awesome stamp collecting began. Lo and behold these are the ones that adorn the corners of the envelopes that I’m sending out. Hopefully, they give some sort of happiness even before opening the envelope.

From what we saw in Walmart, the selection of Valentine’s Cards was excellent! The ladybug loved being able to stop and look at all of the cards and made sure to point out how many hearts and pink and red that there was.

The sections were diverse and plentiful! We were able to choose from family, friends, humor, Mahogany, and Spanish cards. With that many to choose from, it’s understandable that it took a bit of time to choose.
I do think that Lil’ Miss was PRETTY excited and pleased with her choice on the matter (even if it’s being sent to an uncle)

For those of you who purchase quite a few cards (and you should be! The world would be SO much nicer if we randomly sent cards to those we loved) Hallmark has the Hallmark Card Rewards Program that rewards you for every five cards that you purchase. You can submit your info online or download the app from iTunes or Google Play! Super easy, and I redeemed all of my cards at my desk, with my cell phone, before I put them into the envelopes to ship off.
I’m feeling awesome because I get to (hopefully) make some people smile, and let them know in a very fantastic way that they are thought of and loved.
I love the selection of cards at Walmart too! I bet your family and friends are gonna love the Hallmark Valentine’s Day cards you picked out! Thanks for sharing. #client
Awww! This is such a great post. I feel terrible because I haven’t bought cards, yet, and V-Day is tomorrow! Brandi from Collective Bias