Okay, how official is THIS?!
I’ve been sitting on this news for a while now, mostly because I was still in disbelief, and thought if I opened my mouth it would all disappear. Yet, the happenings of last week assured me that it was indeed real.
I’m part of a blogger panel.
The starting blogger panel.
Of a program that I absolutely LOVE!
Like, for real.
Okay, enough of me spazzing out, but the story goes a little like this:
I got an email from the Multicultural Marketing Manager at General Mill and she asked if I wanted to help spread the word about the Box Tops for Education program.
So, you need to imagine me reclined in the passenger seat of my car while Mr. Houseful is driving and reading this email on my phone and then SCREAMING out : IS THIS FOR REAL?!
I, in full composure, responded that I would most certainly be up for the cause of spreading the word about the Box Tops for Education program.
The events of last week were a whirlwind, and I will be doing a Box Tops series for sure, but for now, I need you all to bare with me as I relive the three days that I was able to tour the World Headquarters for General Mills, and learn more about the company, their practices, and how to market my blog the proper way.
Until then – keep clipping!
Disclosure: In exchange for me participating on this blogger panel, General Mills covered all travel and lodging costs.
Thanks ma’am! I’m still excited – and ready to get to work.